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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
An archaeological perspective of an historic overview of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo
Type: ReportAbstract: A survey of the context for identifying historic properties in both rural and urban areas. Following a general introduction, the report is organized by the seven post- 1972 municipalities, the ...Keywords: ArchaeologyEnvironment UrbanCulture MaterialHistoric sitesBuildings HeritageMapsPlace namesSettlement processVillagesLandscape CulturalYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1798-1972Export options:Archaeological resource assessment of the James Markham site (AiHd-40), Doon Village Estates (30T-81027 and 30T-78023) City of Kitchener: Report on excavation
Type: ReportAbstract: Report of a detailed investigation of a site that was probably used for a log house occupied by the James Markham family circa 1850, before the construction of a fieldstone house 100 metres to the ...Year of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1840-1850Export options:Border crossings: The making of German identities in the New World, 1850--1914
Type: ThesisAbstract: Border crossings, in both their literal and figurative sense, are central to the experience of migration. This study explores the making of German identities in two localities, Berlin (Ontario) and ...Keywords: Berlin (Ontario)Ethnic identityYear of publication: 2002Historical Period: 1850-1914Export options:Death and Ethnicity: Swiss-German Mennonite Gravestones of the 'Pennsylvania Style' (1804-54) in the Waterloo Region, Ontario
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Many of the Mennonite tombstones in Waterloo County are stylistically similar to Pennsylvania-German tombstones, particularly with respect to construction features, design, the use of motifs, and the ...Year of publication: 1982Export options:Functions of settlements in the Waterloo region 1951-1985: with historical background and comparative data for the counties of Bruce, Huron and Wellington
Type: BookAbstract: An account of economic, demographic and agricultural changes in the smaller settlements of Waterloo County. Using data from Dun and Bradstreet in Standard Industrial Classification categories, the ...Keywords: Settlement hierarchyLandscape CulturalLandscape RuralLand usePopulationUrbanizationBusinessesEconomic conditionsAgricultureIndustriesYear of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1864-1985Export options:Gaukel, Friedrich
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A biography of the emigrant from Württemberg who came to Waterloo Township in 1820, first farming and operating a distillery near Bridgeport. In 1833 he purchased land in the small settlement of ...Year of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1820-1853Export options:Liberté de religion et éducation: les procès des mennonites canadiens au 20e siècle
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract:Cette étude, qui explore l’articulation juridique entre la liberté de religion et l’éducation dans les communautés mennonites canadiennes au cours du 20e siècle, a pour objectif de montrer que les ...
Keywords: EducationMennonites20th centuryResearchReligionFreedom of religionLaws, regulations and rulesYear of publication: 2019Export options:The changing functions of Ontario urban centres (population 20,000 or more, 1961)
Type: ThesisAbstract: A study of changing economic functions from 1931 to 1961 in 27 middle-sized Ontario urban centres, including Galt and Kitchener. The author concludes that all centres except Oshawa were ...Keywords: UrbanizationEconomic conditionsLabour forceOccupationsIndustriesStatisticsManufacturersRetailingConstructionCities and townsYear of publication: 1964Historical Period: 1931-1961Export options:The Kachelofen: Its Time Has Come, Again
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Jessica Steinhauser, owner of Stonehouse Pottery in Guelph, Ontario, is realizing her dream of bringing kachelofen clay-tile ovens to Canada. In various forms, these ovens have been heating European ...Year of publication: 2007Export options:The life and times of George Hendel Sr
Type: ReportAbstract: The autobiography of George Hendel Sr who was born in Austria-Hungary in 1904 and came to Kitchener in 1929. He started farming in the 1930s but by the 1950s had changed to construction. He recounts ...Keywords: FarmersGenealogyBiographiesRomaniaEconomic conditionsNew Apostolic ChurchWaterlooEmigrationYear of publication: 1990Historical Period: 1904-1990Export options: