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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Mennonite women slowly gain equality
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A general review with no specific references to Waterloo County except that one of the two photographs shows Mennonites picking berries in Berlin, circa 1912.Year of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1800-1985Export options:My grandparents: Tilman B. Martin and Mary Shantz; Henry D. Steckle and Maryann Sitler
Type: ReportAbstract: Reminiscences of the author's Mennonite grandparents, including the Shantzes who farmed in Waterloo Township.Keywords: FarmersWomenHorticultureBiographiesGenealogyMennonites (Old Order)Martin Tilman B.Shantz MarySteckle Henry D.Sitler MaryannYear of publication: 1989Historical Period: 1866-1978Export options: