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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
1851 Census of Waterloo Township: alphabetical index by name, with complete information
Type: ReportAbstract: An indexed list of persons enumerated in the 1851 Census, with details of surname, given name, occupation, birthplace, religion, age, division of the township, page and line. The introduction notes ...Keywords: Census recordsYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1850-1851Export options:30th anniversary cookbook 1981-2011: a collection of recipes
Type: BookKeywords: Canadian cookingMennonite cookingYear of publication: 2014Historical Period: 1981-2011Export options:A bibliography of Mennonites in Waterloo County and Ontario
Type: BookAbstract: A list of over 120 monographs, serials, journal articles, newspaper articles and unpublished works, including theses and private papers relating to the Mennonite and Amish.Year of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1800-1988Export options:A brief history of Sam R. Horst and his relationship
Type: ReportAbstract: A manuscript autobiography of an Old Order Mennonite farmer in Woolwich Township. As well as describing his working years and activities, the author relates his family's hardships including many ...Keywords: Horst Samuel RFarmersAgricultureMedical careMennonites (Old Order)BiographiesWoolwich TownshipYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1903-1988Export options:A descriptive summary and analysis of the changing settlement and occupational patterns
Type: ThesisAbstract: A study by a Mennonite of settlement patterns and trends in Wilmot Township, the only area of Ontario settled by both Amish and Mennonites. The author surveys the whole township for the period from ...Keywords: Wilmot TownshipNew HamburgBadenMennonitesPennsylvania GermansAmishEducationOccupationsAgricultureBirthsYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1860-1980Export options:A good Mennonite?
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract:From a Mennonite Brethren background-her grandparents and parents were missionaries in India-[Ruth Klahsen] has been featured in several Mennonite Savings and Credit Union articles for her unique ...
Year of publication: 2014Export options:A long and vibrant life: Sister Rita Kittel (aka Sister Anaclete)
Type: Journal ArticleKeywords: BiographiesGerman CanadiansYear of publication: 2014Export options:A profile of the life and work of Edna Breithaupt
Type: ThesisAbstract: A brief biography of the Berlin-born woman who devoted much of her life to the promotion of art and the development of community centres. The author describes her travels, ranging from visits to the ...Keywords: WomenAssociations and clubsTeachersBiographiesArt and artistsBreithaupt Martha Edna (1885-1963)Berlin (Ontario)Grand RiverKitchenerYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1885-1963Export options:Abandoned Baptist Mission Cemetery (CC#4550): Canada Company Block B, Concession
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions with index of 25 stones in the small cemetery that lies behind a log house to the left of the Philipsburg- Wellesley road. The log house was first a Baptist church built in 1837, later ...Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyBuildings LogYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1837-1942Export options:After Grace: the sequel : a collection of recipes
Type: BookKeywords: Mennonite cookingFood customsYear of publication: 2014Export options: