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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A descriptive summary and analysis of the changing settlement and occupational patterns
Type: ThesisAbstract: A study by a Mennonite of settlement patterns and trends in Wilmot Township, the only area of Ontario settled by both Amish and Mennonites. The author surveys the whole township for the period from ...Keywords: Wilmot TownshipNew HamburgBadenMennonitesPennsylvania GermansAmishEducationOccupationsAgricultureBirthsYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1860-1980Export options:Amish and Amish Mennonite genealogies
Type: BookAbstract: A comprehensive list of the first Amish immigrants to North America and their descendants to 1850. For Amish who migrated to Waterloo County between 1815 and 1850, 91 surnames are listed. These ...Year of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1815-1850Export options:An archaeological perspective of an historic overview of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo
Type: ReportAbstract: A survey of the context for identifying historic properties in both rural and urban areas. Following a general introduction, the report is organized by the seven post- 1972 municipalities, the ...Keywords: ArchaeologyEnvironment UrbanCulture MaterialHistoric sitesBuildings HeritageMapsPlace namesSettlement processVillagesLandscape CulturalYear of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1798-1972Export options:Berlett's Corner Cemetery (CC#4552): Canada Company Block B, Concession III, Lot 13, Wilmot Township
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions of grave markers, numbered by rows, with an index of names. The introduction notes that the cemetery occupies the site of the Berlett's Corners Lutheran Church, next to a building ...Year of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1862-1925Export options:Bethel United Church Cemetery (CC#4553): Canada Company Block A, Concession 3, Lot 30, Wilmot Township
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions of 58 markers by numbered rows, with an index of all names. The introduction summarizes the history of the church which was built in 1861 as part of a circuit based in Bright, Oxford ...Year of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1861-1986Export options:Checklist of parish registers
Type: ReportAbstract: A list of all registers held at the Public Archives of Canada that are on microfilm. Records listed for Waterloo County locations include Ayr, Baden, Berlin, Breslau, Cambridge, Elmira, Galt, ...Keywords: Church recordsBirth registersDeathsMarriage registersBirthsMarriageChurches PresbyterianChurches CatholicChurches AnglicanChurches LutheranYear of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1834-1951Export options:Descendants of Jacob Donnenworth (b. 1798 Alsace, Fr.; d. 19.09.1870) and his wife, Catharina Milhausner (b. 1800 Alsace, Fr.; d. 3.5.1872) of Waterloo and Wilmot Townships, Waterloo Co., Ontario
Type: BookAbstract: A family history with biographical sketches of Jacob and Catharina, farmers who settled first in Williamsburg and later Mannheim. It refers to Thomas Woods and Margaret Donnenworth who lived on a ...Keywords: GenealogySettlers FrenchChurches LutheranFarmersSchoolsSports BasketballDonnenworth JacobDonnenworth Catharina Milhausner (m. Jacob)Donnenworth MichaelDonnenworth Elizabeth Rickert (m. Michael)Year of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1820-1988Export options:Early Mennonite migrations from Pennsylvania and subsequent settlements in Canada
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A useful summary of settlement in what became Waterloo, Woolwich and Wilmot Townships, in the context of Upper Canada generally. The author recounts the dealings with Richard Beasley and other ...Year of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1800-1900Export options:History of John and Barbara Nafziger Oesch and their descendants by a great- granddaughter
Type: ReportAbstract: A genealogy of the descendants of John and Barbara who migrated from France in 1857 and settled near Philipsburg. They had three children, John N., Barbara and Anna. This second edition contains ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesAmishSettlers FrenchOesch familyOesch JohnOesch Barbara Nafziger (m. John)Oesch John N.Oesch Magdalena Boshart (m. John N.)Erb Christian G.Year of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1857-1986Export options:John Goessman
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A biography of the surveyor of the German Block in Wilmot Township for Christian Nafziger's Amish and Mennonite settlers. Goessman (1776-1841) also surveyed other townships and acted as an agent for ...Year of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1820-1840Export options: