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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
The Defence of Identity: Ida Siegel and the Jews of Toronto Versus the Assimilation Attempts of the Public School and its Allies, 1900-1920
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Discusses the history of Ida Siegel's struggle to protect the cultural and religious identity of Toronto's Jews during a time when the Canadian majority in Toronto saw the public schools as a means ...Keywords: Siegel IdaTorontoJewsAcculturationYear of publication: 1985Export options:The Eidt and Eydt families in Canada, 1835-1985
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy with an introduction describing the arrival of the Eidt and Eydt families in Woolwich Township from Germany in 1835. The authors explain the connections between the two families, their ...Keywords: GenealogyGermansEidt ConradEidt CasparEidt John C.Eidt familyDoering familyEydt familyWilmot TownshipPhilipsburgYear of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1835-1985Export options:The family of Johann Georg Hahn and Elizabeth Herber
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of the family of George Hahn, a German farmer who settled near Bamberg in 1860. Among his descendants was Lewis Hahn, an entrepreneurial carpenter who founded the Hahn Furniture Company ...Keywords: GenealogyFamiliesBiographiesChurches LutheranSettlers GermanFarmersHahn FamilyHahn George SrHahn Elisabeth Herber (m. George Sr)Voll Henry A.Year of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1860-1985Export options:The Gerber family history
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy with an introductory biographical sketch of Michael and Veronica Jantzi, Mennonite farmers near Shingletown. John Gerber, Michael's father, settled in Wilmot Township in 1838. A list of ...Keywords: GenealogyGerman languageBiographiesMennonitesWilmot TownshipShingletownBadenSt AgathaGerber familyGerber JohnYear of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1838-1985Export options:The Jacob N. Sauder genealogy
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of a German Mennonite family who settled in Wellesley Township about 1846. Brief biographies introduce each of the genealogies of their twelve children, many of whom lived near St Jacobs.Keywords: GenealogySettlers GermanMennonitesBiographiesSauder familySauder Jacob N.Sauder Barbara Funk (m. Jacob N.)Koch JosephKoch Elizabeth Sauder (m. Joseph)Gies HenryYear of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1846-1985Export options:The Noah B. Martin family history
Type: BookYear of publication: 2014Export options:The Old-Order Mennonite wedding and highlights of their social life
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: An account of Old Order Mennonite weddings in Waterloo County, with particular reference to the author's marriage in 1922. Customs include the wedding feast, the hiding of the bride's shoes by ...Year of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1922-1977Export options:The Otterbein family history, August 1985 update: the descendants of Valentine and Elisabetha Herrman Otterbein
Type: ReportAbstract: A sequel to the author's 1981 genealogy in 1981, with data on family ancestors in Germany, material received from the Joanna Shelly Cram family, and events since the previous printing date.Keywords: GenealogyBiographiesReunionsSettlers GermanFamiliesOtterbein familyOtterbein ValentineOtterbein Elisabetha Herrmann (m. Valentine)Breslau (Ontario)Year of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1840-1985Export options:The reciprocal influences of the Old Order Mennonite community and tourism in St. Jacobs, Ontario
Type: Journal ArticleKeywords: St JacobsMennonites (Old Order)TourismYear of publication: 2014Export options:The trail of the black walnut
Type: ReportAbstract: A teaching aid intended for high school students learning about the ties between Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and Waterloo County, Ontario. The kit consists of loose overhead transparencies and ...Keywords: Educational literatureMennonitesImmigrationPennsylvania GermansUpper CanadaWaterloo CountyYear of publication: 1985Historical Period: c1790-c1820Export options: