%0 Edited Book %K Genealogy %K Families %K Biographies %K Churches Lutheran %K Settlers German %K Farmers %K Hahn Family %K Hahn George Sr %K Hahn Elisabeth Herber (m. George Sr) %K Voll Henry A. %K Voll Louisa Hahn (m. Henry A.) %K Hahn Andrew %K Hahn Conrad %K Hahn Emma Stoltz (m. Conrad) %K Hahn Lewis %K Hahn Brass Co. New Hamburg %K Hahn Furniture Co. New Hamburg %K St John's Lutheran Church Bamberg %K Hahn Church Bamberg %K Petersburg %K New Hamburg %K Linwood %K Heidelberg %K Bamberg %K Kitchener %C Tavares, FL %D 1985 %F DFHAH %G English %I The Author %P 110 p. ill., index+ %T The family of Johann Georg Hahn and Elizabeth Herber %1 Hahn Family; Hahn, George, Sr; Hahn, Elisabeth Herber (m. George, Sr); Voll, Henry A.; Voll, Louisa Hahn (m. Henry A.); Hahn, Andrew; Hahn, Conrad; Hahn, Emma Stoltz (m. Conrad); Hahn, Lewis %2 Hahn Brass Co., New Hamburg; Hahn Furniture Co., New Hamburg; St John's Lutheran Church, Bamberg; Hahn Church, Bamberg %3 Petersburg; New Hamburg; Linwood; Heidelberg; Bamberg; Kitchener %4 1860-1985 %] English(30) %9 Print(0)