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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Diary of Elias Eby, 1810-1878
Type: BookAbstract: Diary of Eby's last six years, 1872 to 1878, translated, edited and annotated by Isaac R. Horst. Second son of Bishop Benjamin Eby and Maria Brubacher, Eby bought Lancaster Mills following Jacob ...Keywords: DiariesMennonitesRussian MennonitesFuneralsDiseasesClergyBridgeportBerlin (Ontario)Waterloo TownshipEby EliasYear of publication: 1982Historical Period: 1872-1878Export options:Dr. Henry Theodore Legler: "the most cultured German of his day"
Type: Journal ArticleKeywords:Year of publication: 2014Export options:Eating like a Mennonite
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract:[Marlene Epp] began her third lecture, "Eating across borders: Mennonite missions and migrations," by showing several photos of "food fusion," restaurants and grocery stores in southern Ontario ...
Keywords: MennonitesMennonite cookingFoodYear of publication: 2014Export options:Family of Karl Montag and Margaret Wenzel
Type: ReportAbstract: An extended genealogical chart of an Alsatian Catholic family who settled in St Agatha early in the 19th century.Keywords: GenealogySettlers FrenchChurches CatholicMontag familyMontag KarlMontag Margaret Wenzel (m. Karl)St AgathaYear of publication: 1982Historical Period: 1813-1982Export options:History of the Isaac S. Cressman family, 1830-1981
Type: BookAbstract: The second edition of a genealogy of the descendants of Isaac and his wives, Barbara Schneider and her sister Elizabeth. There is a list of the dates and locations of family reunions from 1920 to ...Keywords: GenealogyPennsylvania GermansCressman familyCressman Isaac S.Cressman AbrahamCressman Mary Schneider (m. Abraham)Cressman Barbara Schneider (m. Isaac S.)Cressman Elizabeth Schneider (m. Isaac S.)StrasburgWaterloo TownshipYear of publication: 1982Historical Period: 1830-1981Export options:Isaax Z. Hunsicker's letter from Buck's County. Pennsylvania to Waterloo County, November 29, 1864
Type: JournalYear of publication: 2014Export options:It needs to be said
Type: BookKeywords: Literary criticismYear of publication: 1982Export options:Joseph Voisin and descendants, 1805-1892
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of the German family who bought farmland near St Clements, Wellesley Township, in 1856. An index to this work was compiled by Elizabeth Schmadl.Year of publication: 1982Historical Period: 1856-1982Export options:Latschaw Mennonite Cemetery, CC #4560 : 1494 Bleams Road East (formerly Concession North of Bleam's Road, Lot 4), Wilmot Township, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Ontario (formerly Waterloo County)
Type: BookKeywords: CemeteriesMennonitesWaterlooYear of publication: 2014Export options:Latschaw Mennonite Cemetery, CC #4560 : 1494 Bleams Road East (formerly Concession North of Bleam's Road, Lot 4), Wilmot Township, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Ontario (formerly Waterloo County)
Type: BookKeywords: MennonitesCemeteriesCemetery recordsYear of publication: 2014Export options: