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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Mennonite women slowly gain equality
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A general review with no specific references to Waterloo County except that one of the two photographs shows Mennonites picking berries in Berlin, circa 1912.Year of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1800-1985Export options:Mennonites in Ontario: a Mennonite bicentennial portrait, 1786-1986
Type: BookAbstract: A contemporary portrait of all the Mennonite, Amish, and Brethren in Christ groups in Ontario, illustrated with many large coloured photographs. Short essays on history, faith, farming, education, ...Keywords: Waterloo CountyOntarioMennonitesEducationAmishEthnic groupsTunkersMapsSchoolsMennonites (Old Order)Year of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1800-1986Export options:Methodist marriages: Preston Circuit, part 1: 1897-1912; 1923-1927; part 2: 1912-1923
Type: ReportAbstract: An index and chronological list of marriages performed at the church. Each part is prefaced by a brief historical outline of the church condensed from the booklet, {History of St Paul's United Church ...Year of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1897-1927Export options:Miriam Snyder Sokvitne
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A brief biographical sketch of the descendant of Joseph Schneider, one of the county's first settlers. The author describes Sokvitne's interests in heritage preservation including her service as ...Year of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1913-1980Export options:Name/subject index to Waterloo County diary by Bill Moyer
Type: ReportAbstract: Index of nearly 500 entries, mainly persons, mentioned in Moyer's book.Keywords: IndexesWaterloo CountyGermansYear of publication: 1986Export options:Newborn Mennonite Cemetery (CC#6439): Woolwich Township, GCT Lot 38
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions of eight markers in the small cemetery adjoining a large white frame meeting house on the south side of the first road north of County Road 17, about two miles northwest of St Jacobs. ...Year of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1956-1986Export options:Nith Valley Mennonite Cemetery, formerly Biehn Mennonite Cemetery (CC#4554): Canada Company Block A, Concession 3, Lot 24, Wilmot Township
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions, with index and plan, of about 50 markers. The introduction notes that the Nith Valley Mennonite Church, formerly Biehn Mennonite Church, was originally built in 1870 on land given by ...Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyMennonitesYear of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1870-1986Export options:Old Baden Mennonite Burying Ground (CC#4563): Lot 13 North Snyder's Road Wilmot Township
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions of 12 markers, with index, for the Genealogical Committee of the Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario. The introduction notes that the ground was conveyed to Nicholaus Klein and ...Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyTrusteesMennonitesYear of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1840-1887Export options:On stony ground
Type: BookKeywords: FictionYear of publication: 1986Export options:Peter G. Martin letters
Type: BookAbstract: A collection of letters written by Peter G. Martin of St Jacobs to friends in other parts of Canada and the United States. The letters are mainly in German but have been transcribed from the Gothic ...Keywords: CorrespondenceMennonitesMennonites (Old Order)DiseasesAgricultureMartin familyMartin Peter G.MartinSt JacobsWoolwich TownshipYear of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1872-1899Export options: