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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A genealogical record of the descendants of Joseph Laschinger, Abraham Nash and Gwer Merner
Type: ReportAbstract: A family history of the author's forebears, the Laschingers of New Hamburg, who intermarried with the Nash and Merner families. Reminiscences of the author's childhood in New Hamburg and memories of ...Keywords: BiographiesGenealogyCarriages and wagons industryChildrenFarmersPoliticiansPost officesChurches EvangelicalWar 1861-1865 American CivilMerner FamilyYear of publication: 1966Historical Period: 1819-1966Export options:A history of the ancestors and descendants of Peter P. Martin, also a short sketch of the Daniel M. Brubacher family
Type: BookAbstract: A record of the two Waterloo County families from 1650 to 1966. Biographical information about some family members is included, and there is an alphabetical index of names.Keywords: GenealogySettlers PennsylvaniaBiographiesMartin familyMartin Peter P.Brubacher Daniel M.Waterloo CountyPennsylvania Berks CountyPennsylvania Lancaster CountyYear of publication: 1966Historical Period: 1800-1966Export options:Albert I. Hunsberger
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A biography of the president of the Waterloo Historical Society in 1981-1982, noting his career in education and service on many boards including the Conrad Grebel College, the Fairview Mennonite ...Keywords: TeachersWritersMennonitesAssociations and clubsBiographiesWaterloo Historical SocietyConrad Grebel CollegeFairview Mennonite Home PrestonUniversity of WaterlooKitchener-Waterloo Collegiate and Vocational SchoolYear of publication: 1982Historical Period: 1912-1982Export options:Canada meine Reise an den Nipissing (Ontario) und die Schweizercolonie
Type: BookKeywords: SwissGermansNipissing DistrictYear of publication: 1982Export options:Cholera: it swept this area like a scythe
Type: BookAbstract: A copy of an article from the "Kitchener- Waterloo Record" of 21 November 1963 by Laurie Jennings, with additional information on members of the Hembling family who were Bridgeport cholera victims, ...Keywords: Diseases CholeraFarmersSanitationGenealogyTelfer JohnMiller Robert DrCushman JosiahScott John DrGaukel Marie Roschang (m. Frederick)Gaukel HarryYear of publication: 1966Historical Period: 1813-1895Export options:Christian Litwiller genealogy 1848-1966
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of the descendants of Christian (1848-1924), youngest son of Peter and Elizabeth Lichti of Wilmot Township. Christian was ordained a minister of the Wilmot Amish Mennonite Church in 1877 ...Keywords: GenealogyClergyFarmersBiographiesChurches MennoniteAmishLitwiller familyLitwiller PeterLitwiller Elizabeth Lichti (m. Peter)Litwiller ChristianYear of publication: 1966Historical Period: 1829-1966Export options:David Klassen and the Mennonites
Type: BookAbstract: Textbook for primary school children, including biographical notes on William Hespeler and Jacob Y. Shantz of Waterloo County who helped Russian Mennonites to settle in Manitoba in the 1870s.Keywords: Russian MennonitesYear of publication: 1982Historical Period: 1813-1900Export options:Death and Ethnicity: Swiss-German Mennonite Gravestones of the 'Pennsylvania Style' (1804-54) in the Waterloo Region, Ontario
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Many of the Mennonite tombstones in Waterloo County are stylistically similar to Pennsylvania-German tombstones, particularly with respect to construction features, design, the use of motifs, and the ...Year of publication: 1982Export options:Descendants of Mary Egli (1848-1918) and Joseph Roth (1838-1910)
Type: BookAbstract: A history of the ancestors and descendants of a French Mennonite family. Although Mary Egli was born in Waterloo, she and Joseph were married in Iowa, and many of their descendants settled in Oregon.Year of publication: 1982Historical Period: 1838-1982Export options:Diary of Elias Eby, 1810-1878
Type: BookAbstract: Diary of Eby's last six years, 1872 to 1878, translated, edited and annotated by Isaac R. Horst. Second son of Bishop Benjamin Eby and Maria Brubacher, Eby bought Lancaster Mills following Jacob ...Keywords: DiariesMennonitesRussian MennonitesFuneralsDiseasesClergyBridgeportBerlin (Ontario)Waterloo TownshipEby EliasYear of publication: 1982Historical Period: 1872-1878Export options: