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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A history of the Stauffer families who came to Ontario
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy based on the 1934 work by C.T. Groh. This report includes more information on the European ancestors, the names of all Stauffers who came to Upper Canada before 1867, and a brief ...Year of publication: 1977Historical Period: 1800-1977Export options:Changes in cultural symbols for Ontario Mennonite women of the Swiss tradition during the 1950s and 60s: stories we need to hear
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Personal observations and experiences of the changing role of Mennonite women. A farm accident necessitated the reversal of traditional roles in the Bergey family, leaving the author in charge of the ...Keywords: MennonitesCustoms and traditionsBiographiesWorld War IIWomenOccupationsMennonite Central CommitteeKitchener Farmers' MarketCutting Room KitchenerGalt MarketYear of publication: 1990Historical Period: 1935-1990Export options:City-building processes in Berlin/Kitchener and Waterloo, 1870-1930
Type: ThesisAbstract: A study in urban history, organized thematically to include chapters on urban- industrial development in southern Ontario between 1870 and 1930, the urban ethos, a prosopographical analysis of ...Keywords: Berlin (Ontario)Year of publication: 1981Historical Period: 1830-1930Export options:Community leadership and decision-making: entrepreneurial elites in two Ontario towns, 1870-1930
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A discussion of the power of community elites in Berlin/Kitchener and Waterloo. The author reports systematic analysis of the economic, political and associational roles of community leaders, based ...Keywords: Breithaupt familyBreithaupt Louis Jacob (1855-1939)PoliticiansEthnic identityMennonitesGermansOccupationsUrbanizationWaterlooKitchenerYear of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1870-1930Export options:Contribution of the Mennonites to the development of Waterloo County
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An essay in the special centennial issue about the role of Mennonites in settling Waterloo County and their subsequent contributions as farmers, entrepreneurs, educators, lawyers, clergy and ...Keywords: MennonitesAgricultureOccupationsWomenIndustriesSettlersPennsylvania GermansAmishWaterloo CountyBeasley's TractYear of publication: 1967Historical Period: 1800-1967Export options:David and Louisa (Bowman) Bergey era
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A profile of David Bergey who taught at various schools in Waterloo and Wilmot townships, combining teaching with farming until 1900. He later continued the Bowman cheesemaking tradition of his wife ...Keywords: TeachersSchoolsMennonitesWaterloo TownshipWilliamsburgWaterlooMannheimBergey DavidBergey Louisa Bowman (m. David)Year of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1866-1878Export options:Early Mennonite migrations from Pennsylvania and subsequent settlements in Canada
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A useful summary of settlement in what became Waterloo, Woolwich and Wilmot Townships, in the context of Upper Canada generally. The author recounts the dealings with Richard Beasley and other ...Year of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1800-1900Export options:Families and communities of Waterloo Township in 1861
Type: ReportAbstract: A reconstitution of Waterloo Township society by unique linkage of three sources -- the 1861 census manuscripts, the township assessment rolls for 1861, and Tremaine's map. An introductory essay ...Keywords: Census recordsEthnic identityGermansLand ownershipMennonitesOccupationsSchoolsWaterloo TownshipYear of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1860-1861Export options:Folkways: personal views
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: An edited summary of a panel discussion moderated by Clarke Hess and Lorna Bergey and including Donald Martin and Ivan Kraemer of Waterloo County and other Mennonite members from Pennsylvania. Topics ...Keywords: Mennonites (Old Order)BirthsDeathsMennonitesAgricultureChildrenCustoms and traditionsWomenAssociations and clubsPennsylvania GermansYear of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1900-1990Export options:Founding families of Waterloo Township, 1800-1830
Type: ReportAbstract: Profiles and tables of nearly 170 families who came to Waterloo Township -- mainly Mennonites from southeastern Pennsylvania. An introductory essay surveys the main phases in migration and early ...Keywords: Ethnic identityAgricultureGenealogyGermansImmigrationLand ownershipMarriageMennonitesOccupationsSettlersYear of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1798-1840Export options: