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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A separate people: an insider's view of Old Order Mennonite customs and traditions
Type: BookYear of publication: 2000Export options:Baptismal records, 1842-1980
Type: ReportAbstract: A compilation of all available baptismal records for Mennonites in Waterloo County to 1889, and then for Old Order Mennonites to 1980. The details, presented by year, were apparently transcribed from ...Keywords: Baptismal recordsChurches MennoniteMennonitesMennonites (Old Order)Eby Benjamin B.Shantz Henry P.Hagey Joseph B.Martin Abraham W.Cressman Amos S.Weber Elias E.Year of publication: 198Historical Period: 1842-1980Export options:Canadian ancestral roots of Arthur Thomas Kloepfer and Philomena Agnes Gilker
Type: BookAbstract: A history of the family's progenitors and descendants. Arthur and Philomena came to the Maryhill area from Germany early in the nineteenth century. There are maps of the family farms, located on lots ...Keywords: GenealogySettlers GermanFarmersFamiliesMapsSettlers PennsylvaniaKloepfer familyKloepfer JacobKloepfer Monica Winter (m. Jacob)Kloepfer Jacob A.Year of publication: 1988Historical Period: 1810-1988Export options:Diary of Elias Eby, 1810-1878
Type: BookAbstract: Diary of Eby's last six years, 1872 to 1878, translated, edited and annotated by Isaac R. Horst. Second son of Bishop Benjamin Eby and Maria Brubacher, Eby bought Lancaster Mills following Jacob ...Keywords: DiariesMennonitesRussian MennonitesFuneralsDiseasesClergyBridgeportBerlin (Ontario)Waterloo TownshipEby EliasYear of publication: 1982Historical Period: 1872-1878Export options:Kloepfer family data
Type: BookAbstract: The background to a genealogical study of the Kloepfer family who emigrated to the Maryhill area from Germany in the first half of the 19th century. Lists of the descendants of many branches of the ...Keywords: GenealogySettlers GermanKloepfer familyKloepfer JacobKloepfer Monica Winter (m. Jacob)Waterloo TownshipMaryhillNew GermanyYear of publication: 1990Historical Period: 1810-1990Export options:Lieder-Sammlung commentary: self-helps for the Gemeinschaftliche Lieder-Sammlung
Type: BookKeywords: MennonitesMusicHymnsYear of publication: 1987Export options:Lieder-Sammlung commentary: self-helps for the Gemeinschaftliche Lieder-Sammlung
Type: BookKeywords: MennonitesMusicHymnsYear of publication: 198Export options:Lieder-Sammlung tunes
Type: BookKeywords: MennonitesMusicHymnsYear of publication: 197Export options:Peter G. Martin letters
Type: BookAbstract: A collection of letters written by Peter G. Martin of St Jacobs to friends in other parts of Canada and the United States. The letters are mainly in German but have been transcribed from the Gothic ...Keywords: CorrespondenceMennonitesMennonites (Old Order)DiseasesAgricultureMartin familyMartin Peter G.MartinSt JacobsWoolwich TownshipYear of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1872-1899Export options:Peter G. Martin letters - English
Type: BookAbstract: A collection of letters from Peter G. Martin of St Jacobs to friends in other parts of Canada and the United States. The letters have been transcribed and, where necessary, translated from German ...Keywords: CorrespondenceMennonites (Old Order)Diseases TyphoidDiseases InfluenzaFarmersMartin Peter G.Martin familySt JacobsYear of publication: 1984Historical Period: 1872-1899Export options: