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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
David Norman Panabaker
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A short biography of one of Hespeler's prominent citizens who worked his way up to become General Manager of the R. Forbes Co., and was Mayor of Hespeler and an active member of the Waterloo ...Keywords: BiographiesGenealogyTextile IndustryMayorsReevesSettlers PennsylvaniaChurches MethodistAssociations and clubsPanabaker D.N.Panabaker DavidYear of publication: 1939Historical Period: 1874-1939Export options:Panabaker family history
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A narrative of the family, from its European origins to the settlement in the Hespeler area of Waterloo Township. The author explains variant spellings of the family name and refers to other pioneer ...Keywords: GenealogySaw mill industryBlacksmithsMennonitesSettlers PennsylvaniaPannebecker HendrickTyson BarbaraPenebecker BarbaraPannebecker CorneliusDetwiler AnnYear of publication: 1937Historical Period: 1800-1937Export options:Pannabecker - Panabaker: a family history by the late Cornelius Arthur Panabaker about 1960
Type: BookAbstract: Short biographies of members of the Panabaker family, including the author, descendants of pioneer settlers in the Hespeler area in 1810. Many of the family were farmers and some were later ...Keywords: Settlers PennsylvaniaTemperance movementChurches MethodistFarmersWomenTextile IndustryWar 1812World War IPanabaker FamilyPannebecker Nancy Detweiler (m. Cornelius)Year of publication: 1967Historical Period: 1810-1966Export options: