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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Frederick Gaukel
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A short biography of the hotel-keeper by his grandson.Keywords: BiographiesGaukel FrederickGaukel's Hotel Berlin (Ontario)Berlin (Ontario)KitchenerCommercial Hotel Berlin (Ontario)Walper House Berlin18th century19th centuryYear of publication: 1928Historical Period: 1785-1853Export options:Jacob G. Stroh, 1848-1935
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A short biography of Jacob G. Stroh who owned a Waterloo tannery, collected Indian artifacts, and was an authority on early Berlin history.Year of publication: 1935Historical Period: 1848-1935Export options:Pioneer settlers of Waterloo County
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An address at the dedication of the Memorial Tower in August 1926, listing Waterloo County settlers of German origin.Keywords: GermansPennsylvania GermansMennonitesOccupationsWorld War IWaterloo CountySchoerg JosephBetzner Samuel JrGaukel FrederickEnslin JacobYear of publication: 1926Historical Period: 1800-1926Export options:The ancestry in Germany and the descendants in Canada and the United States of Caspar Otterbein and his wife Margaret Hahn, and of Jakob Braun and the wife Wilhelmina Prankert
Type: ReportAbstract: Genealogies of two German families who came to Woolwich Township. Other related families include the Strohs, Oswalds, Stefflers and Israels. A name index to this work was produced by Elizabeth ...Keywords: GenealogySettlers GermanOtterbein familyHahn FamilyBraun FamilyIsrael familyOtterbein Johann CasparStroh familyOswald familySteffler familyYear of publication: 1974Historical Period: 1800-1974Export options: