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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Historical sketch of the Clemens family
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A history of the Clemens family, especially those members who became pioneers of Waterloo Township.Keywords: Settlers PennsylvaniaUnited Empire LoyalistsGenealogyAmerican Revolution 1775-1783Diseases CholeraTextile IndustryClergyChurches MethodistChurches EvangelicalWater powerYear of publication: 1921Historical Period: 1800-1921Export options:Pioneer settlers of Waterloo County
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An address at the dedication of the Memorial Tower in August 1926, listing Waterloo County settlers of German origin.Keywords: GermansPennsylvania GermansMennonitesOccupationsWorld War IWaterloo CountySchoerg JosephBetzner Samuel JrGaukel FrederickEnslin JacobYear of publication: 1926Historical Period: 1800-1926Export options:The Cober genealogy of Pennsylvania, Iowa and Canada
Type: BookAbstract: A history of the Cober family, some members of which migrated from Pennsylvania to Ontario. Nicholas Cober Jr, his brother Jacob, and sister Susanna (Mrs Neils Peter Holm) moved to Puslinch Township ...Keywords: GenealogyBiographiesPennsylvania GermansClergyGermansTunkersCustoms and traditionsSettlersPuslinch TownshipHespelerYear of publication: 1933Historical Period: 1832-1933Export options:The Hespeler family
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An account of the descendants of John George and Anna Wick Hespeler. For each of their nine children (Jacob, Ferdinanda, William, Stephanie, Louis, Marie, Wilhelmina, Anna Barbara and Charlotte), ...Keywords: GenealogySettlers EnglishSettlers GermanFlour mill industryDistilling industryBarrel making industryBox industrySports Horse racingBiographiesRussian MennonitesYear of publication: 1969Historical Period: 1810-1921Export options:The trail of the black walnut
Type: BookAbstract: An account of the migration to North America by ten different European religious groups, notably the Mennonites. The references to Waterloo County (pp. 108-113 and 122-124) relate initial ...Keywords: SettlersGermansPennsylvania GermansAgricultureAmishLutheransMennonitesTunkersEthnic identityMapsYear of publication: 1957Historical Period: 1800-1830Export options: