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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Das Deutschtum in der Provinz Ontario
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A comprehensive study of German ethnicity in the province, including an outline of the settlement and development of the Waterloo area. Strong German influences on local place names, cultural ...Keywords: OntarioAmishMennonitesDemographic statisticsEmigrationEthnic groupsEthnic identityGerman languageGermansPlace namesYear of publication: 1931Historical Period: 1800-1930Export options:D.B. Detweiler
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Brief biography of Daniel Bechtel Detweiler (1860-1919), Berlin businessman and promoter of the distribution of hydro- electric power from Niagara Falls.Keywords: BiographiesObituariesPennsylvania GermansSt JacobsBerlin (Ontario)RosevilleKitchenerDumfries North TownshipWoolwich TownshipDetweiler D.B.Year of publication: 1919Historical Period: 1860-1919Export options:The Hespeler family
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An account of the descendants of John George and Anna Wick Hespeler. For each of their nine children (Jacob, Ferdinanda, William, Stephanie, Louis, Marie, Wilhelmina, Anna Barbara and Charlotte), ...Keywords: GenealogySettlers EnglishSettlers GermanFlour mill industryDistilling industryBarrel making industryBox industrySports Horse racingBiographiesRussian MennonitesYear of publication: 1969Historical Period: 1810-1921Export options: