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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Amish and Tunkers critiqued ca. 1830
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Contemporary descriptions of Waterloo County Amish and Tunkers in the 1830s, taken from a journal of Rev. William Proudfoot and a letter by Christian G. Klinckhardt. Brief introductions by E. ...Keywords: TunkersAmishMennonitesPennsylvania GermansEducationGerman languageCustoms and traditionsAgricultureWaterloo TownshipWilmot TownshipYear of publication: 1992Historical Period: 1829-1834Export options:C.G. Klinckhardt's Reise nach Nord- Amerika und dessen erste Ansiedelung daselbst, aus Briefen von demselben gezogen und herausgegeben von C.G. Temper, Pastor in Ruppertsgrn
Type: BookAbstract: A photocopy of the published letters from C.G. Klinckhardt to family and friends in Germany. Relating his trip to North America including Upper Canada, he provides one of the earliest accounts of ...Keywords: Klinckhardt Christian GottliebCorrespondenceSettlersMennonitesAmishAnabaptistsGermansGore DistrictYear of publication: 1833Historical Period: 1830-1833Export options: