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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
An addition to the history of the Hallman family in Canada
Type: BookAbstract: A continuation of the work published in 1906, with a drawing of the family crest, information on the names Hallman and Heilman by Dr Bergey, a description of the second Hallman reunion held in Berlin ...Year of publication: 1912Historical Period: 1800-1912Export options:Benjamin Eby: pioneer Ontario bishop- teacher-writer
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A biographical account of Benjamin Eby, focusing on his books, the marriage certificates he signed, and the fraktur inscriptions of the Eby meeting house hymnals. There is a modern transcription of ...Keywords: MennonitesFolk artClergyGerman languageChurches MennoniteSchoolsWritersTeachersPublishersBiographiesYear of publication: 1989Historical Period: 1785-1853Export options:Clarence "Bud" Clair: Clair Creek conservationist
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: The life story of a Waterloo mason who bought the Amos Weber farm and helped to conserve part of the Laurel Creek Watershed known now as Clair Creek. Members of the Clair family still live in the old ...Keywords: ConservationBiographiesLand developmentClair Clarence BudClair Betty Thaler (m. Clarence)Weber Amos SrWeber EmanuelClair George A.Clair Barbara (m. George A.)Clair familyYear of publication: 1992Historical Period: 1916-1992Export options:E.W.B. Snider
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A biography of Snider (1842-1921), mill owner, promoter of the Waterloo Junction Railway and "father of hydro power" in Ontario. Special mention is made of a German roller machine, the "Walzenstuhle ...Keywords: BiographiesRailwaysFamiliesGenealogyMillsChurches EvangelicalRussian MennonitesPolitical partiesFlour mill industryFoundriesYear of publication: 1921Historical Period: 1842-1921Export options:Excerpts from letters by Abraham Sherk
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Observations about the roles of Jacob Bechtel and the Sherks in the pioneer settlement of Waterloo Township.Keywords: Indigenous peoplesPennsylvania GermansMennonitesLand ownershipEmigrationWaterloo TownshipSherk AbrahamBuckler LucyBreithaupt William Henry (1857-1944)Bechtel JacobYear of publication: 1959Historical Period: 1799-1944Export options:John George Reiner: autobiography
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A short autobiography by the owner of many Wellesley businesses, including the woollen mill, flour mill, saw mill, general store, and a stave and heading plant.Keywords: Settlers GermanBiographiesRevolutionary War 1848FoundriesFurniture industrySaw mill industryTransportationDamsTextile IndustryFlour mill industryYear of publication: 1917Historical Period: 1832-1917Export options:Pioneers of Waterloo (1799 to 1889)
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Fictionalized biographies of Jacob Engle, John Winger, Martin Baer, David Gingrich, Jacob Bechtel, Samuel Bricker, Benjamin Eby, Ephraim Weber and other pioneers. Some of the material on the earliest ...Year of publication: 1971Historical Period: 1800-1942Export options:Recollections of early Waterloo
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An historical sketch of farm life of the Pennsylvania German pioneers, the Mennonite church, education, German newspapers and bridges over the Grand River.Keywords: SettlersPennsylvania GermansMennonitesNewspapersEducationAgricultureWar 1812BridgesSchoolsGerman languageYear of publication: 1915Historical Period: 1800-1850Export options:Simon Cress - the first Mennonite settler in the St Jacobs area
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A brief account of Cress who bought Lot 7 in Woolwich Township in 1819 from John Erb. The article provides information on the exact location of the homestead as well as biographical details of Simon' ...Keywords: Settlers PennsylvaniaMennonitesBiographiesSettlers PioneerCress SimonCress EphraimCress JacobCress CatharineBricker Elizabeth CressHewitt Rachel Cress (m. Elisha)Year of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1819-1852Export options:Statement of losses, Block No. 2 residents, War of 1812
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A document showing the losses sustained by several of the early inhabitants of Block Number 2, while they were employed in military transport work during the War of 1812. Names of those people and ...Keywords: War 1812Military serviceGermansMennonitesBechtel GeorgeBricker JohnSnyder JacobErb PeterWieler GerhartChisholm JohnYear of publication: 1928Historical Period: 1812-1813Export options: