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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
The ancestors and descendants of Isaac Bricker, 1718-1973
Type: ReportAbstract: A genealogy of Isaac Bricker (1835-1926) who farmed in Blenheim Township and was a grandson of Samuel Bricker, one of the organizers of the German Company, and the son of Peter and Susannah Erb ...Keywords: GenealogySettlers PennsylvaniaMennonitesBricker JacobBricker PeterBricker SamuelBricker IsaacBricker Susannah Erb (m. Peter)Bricker Lydia Snyder (m. Isaac)Blenheim TownshipYear of publication: 1973Historical Period: 1802-1973Export options:The Bricker connection, part 1: Jacob C. Bricker and Mary Greenfelder, their ancestors and descendants
Type: BookAbstract: Part of a 5-volume genealogy of the children of Peter Bricker and Elizabeth Cress, devoted to their son Jacob.Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesBricker JacobBricker PeterBricker JohnBricker Elizabeth CressBricker Elizabeth Cress (m. John C.)Bricker Jacob C.Bricker Mary Greenfelder (m. Jacob C.)Snider FamilyYear of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1800-1986Export options:The Bricker connection, part 2: Nancy Bricker and Jacob Snider, their ancestors and descendants
Type: BookAbstract: A portion of the genealogy of Peter and Elizabeth Cress devoted to their daughter Nancy, her husband Jacob Snider and their four children.Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesBricker PeterBricker Elizabeth CressSnider JacobSnider Nancy BrickerBricker familySnider FamilyPeterson familySimpson Harry A.Year of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1800-1985Export options:The Eby family as related to the Brubachers
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A brief history of the Eby family's migrations from Switzerland to Pennsylvania and then to Waterloo County. The author explains the Ebys' original connection with the Brubachers through the ...Keywords: GenealogyBiographiesPennsylvania GermansSwissMennonitesEby Ezra E.Eby TheodorusEby ChristianMayer ElizabethBricker CatherineYear of publication: 1923Historical Period: 1800-1923Export options:The old Amos Weber Farm
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A summary of the owners of German Company lot 24, from Peter Holl in 1805 to Michael and Joan Wolf in 1992. Particular attention is given to the family of Amos Weber.Keywords: FarmersIce harvestingFarmers' marketsWeber familyHoll PeterWeber AmosWeber EmanuelBricker JohnBricker JacobBricker Judith Baumann (m. Jacob)Year of publication: 1992Historical Period: 1805-1992Export options:The settlement of Waterloo County
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A survey of pioneer settlement by Mennonites from Pennsylvania in the early nineteenth century, including the families of Schoerg, Eby, Erb, Betzner, Brubacher, Baumann, Bechtel, Biehn, Bergey, ...Keywords: SettlersWaterloo CountyPennsylvania GermansMennonitesScotsAmishEby Ezra E.Young JamesSherk A.B. Rev.Beasley RichardYear of publication: 1948Historical Period: 1800-1856Export options:The trail of the black walnut
Type: BookAbstract: An account of the migration to North America by ten different European religious groups, notably the Mennonites. The references to Waterloo County (pp. 108-113 and 122-124) relate initial ...Keywords: SettlersGermansPennsylvania GermansAgricultureAmishLutheransMennonitesTunkersEthnic identityMapsYear of publication: 1957Historical Period: 1800-1830Export options:The years of Benjamin Eby, pioneer Mennonite leader in Ontario, Canada
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A study of the life and times of Benjamin Eby (1785-1853), early community and church leader. A chronological account of Eby's accomplishments as a writer, educator, bishop and patron of new ...Keywords: BiographiesMennonites (Old Order)CorrespondenceEconomic conditionsPublishersWritersReligious dissensionTemperance movementTeachersFurniture industryYear of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1785-1909Export options: