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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A biographical history of the Eby family: being a history of their movements in Europe during the Reformation and of their early settlement in America; as also much other unpublished historical information belonging
Type: BookAbstract: A detailed genealogy of the descendants of Theodorus Eby, Peter Eby and Nicholas Eby who migrated to Pennsylvania from Europe between 1715 and 1820. Names and vital dates are given of all descendants ...Keywords: BiographiesClergyGenealogyMarriageMennonitesImmigrationPennsylvania GermansEby familySchneider Barbara Eby (m. Joseph)Eby John HannesYear of publication: 1889Historical Period: 1800-1889Export options:A biographical history of Waterloo Township and other townships of the county: early settlers and their descendants
Type: BookAbstract: A reprint of the first chapter in Eby's book which is indexed in detail in the WRP database. There is a biographical sketch of Eby as one of the earliest local historians. The Pennsylvania Mennonite ...Keywords: MennonitesBiographiesIndigenous peoplesWar 1812Military conscriptionPennsylvania GermansWaterloo TownshipEby Ezra E.Sherk JosephBetzner SamuelYear of publication: 1970Historical Period: 1799-1861Export options:Benjamin Eby: pioneer Ontario bishop- teacher-writer
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A biographical account of Benjamin Eby, focusing on his books, the marriage certificates he signed, and the fraktur inscriptions of the Eby meeting house hymnals. There is a modern transcription of ...Keywords: MennonitesFolk artClergyGerman languageChurches MennoniteSchoolsWritersTeachersPublishersBiographiesYear of publication: 1989Historical Period: 1785-1853Export options:David E. Eby - Leah Eby family history
Type: BookAbstract: An account of the families of David and Leah and their ten children, with reminiscences and biographical information for each family. David and Leah farmed in Wellington County but they are buried in ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesWritersSchoolsSettlers PennsylvaniaFarmersWorld War IBiographiesEby familyEby SamuelYear of publication: 1978Historical Period: 1804-1978Export options:Erb Street Mennonite Church Cemetery (CC#4512), Waterloo
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions with index of some 260 stones in the cemetery located at the corner of Erb Street and Fischer-Hallman Road, in what is now the City of Waterloo. The introduction notes that land for ...Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyMennonitesYear of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1851-1989Export options:Family history of Jacob and Elizabeth Eby Bergey
Type: BookAbstract: An annotated genealogy updating the 1925 work by Dr David Hendricks Bergey and including brief histories of the Bergey and Clemens families.Keywords: GenealogyPennsylvania GermansMennonitesBiographiesBergey JacobEby ElizabethBergey familyClemens familyBirky familyBergey DavidYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1818-1987Export options:Family record of the descendants of Jacob Eby (1815-1896) and Mary "Polly" Bingeman (1820-1915)
Type: BookAbstract: A history of a Waterloo Township Mennonite couple who moved to Indiana in the 1850s. The first chapter contains information on their ancestors, who included members of the Bechtel, Bingeman, Bergey ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesEby JacobEby Mary Bingeman Polly (m. Jacob)Eby DavidBechtel familyBingeman JohnBergey familyEby familyWaterlooYear of publication: 1992Historical Period: 1815-1992Export options:History of Isaac S. Cressman family, 1830-1965
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of the fourteen children of Isaac S. Cressman, who was born near Strasburg in 1830. Isaac's first wife was Barbara Schneider; after her death, he married her sister Elizabeth. There are ...Keywords: FarmersSettlers PennsylvaniaGenealogyReunionsCressman familyCressman Isaac S.Cressman Elizabeth Schneider (m. Isaac S.)Bowman Sybilla (m. Tobias)Cressman Barbara Schneider (m. Isaac S.)Cressman Ephriam S.Year of publication: 1965Historical Period: 1830-1965Export options:Musselman family history
Type: ReportAbstract: Genealogies of the four sons of David and Esther Martin: Peter, David, John, and Solomon. It also covers the related families of Martin, Horst, Brubacher, Lichty, and Schneider.Keywords: MennonitesReligious dissensionSettlers PennsylvaniaGenealogyMusselman familyMartin familyMoyer familyHorst familyBrubacher familyLichty familyYear of publication: 1993Historical Period: 1819-1993Export options:Panabaker family history
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A narrative of the family, from its European origins to the settlement in the Hespeler area of Waterloo Township. The author explains variant spellings of the family name and refers to other pioneer ...Keywords: GenealogySaw mill industryBlacksmithsMennonitesSettlers PennsylvaniaPannebecker HendrickTyson BarbaraPenebecker BarbaraPannebecker CorneliusDetwiler AnnYear of publication: 1937Historical Period: 1800-1937Export options: