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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
In search of promised lands: a religious history of Mennonites in Ontario
Type: BookAbstract:The wide-ranging story of Mennonite migration, theological diversity, and interaction with other Christian streams is distilled in this engaging volume, which tracks the history of Ontario ...
Year of publication: 2015Export options:Ottawa Mennonite Church hears stories from refugees
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract:Mary Enns was [Faduma Mahmoud]'s high school teacher and remembers Faduma as an angry, disengaged youth. When Faduma approached Mary, upset that nothing was planned for Black History month, they ...
Keywords: RefugeesChurches MennoniteMuseumsYear of publication: 2015Export options:Pioneer footprints in York County: Pennsylvania German families who arrived in York County in the early 1800s
Type: BookKeywords: HistoryOntario19th centuryGenealogyPennsylvaniaYorkBirth registersEmigrationImmigrationSettlers PioneerYear of publication: 2015Export options: