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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online (GAMEO)
Type: Web project pageAbstract: Provides information on "Anabaptist-related (Amish, Mennonite, Hutterite, Brethren in Christ topics. Coverage includes history, theology, biography, institutions and local congregations. Also ...Keywords: AnabaptistsMennonitesOntarioBiographiesYear of publication: 1996Export options:Kitchener: an illustrated history
Type: BookKeywords: Berlin (Ontario)Year of publication: 1996Export options:Re-thinking ethnic boundaries: the negotiation of German-Canadian ethnic identities in Ottawa, 1945-1975
Type: ThesisAbstract: Using "ethnic identity" and "community" as socially constructed elements of historical experience, this thesis looks at how these concepts evolved among German immigrants in post-World War II Ottawa ...Keywords: OttawaEthnic identityYear of publication: 1996Export options: