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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Directory of the Orthodox Mennonite Church in Canada and U.S.A.
Type: BookKeywords: OntarioDirectoriesMennonites (Old Order)Year of publication: 2017Export options:Edna Hunsperger Bowman
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: The story of Edna Hunsberger's alternative service during the Second World War as a nurse in England, for the Mennonite Central Committee.Keywords: World War IINursesBowman Edna Hunsperger (m. Henry Brubacher)Mennonite Central CommitteeConscientious objectionWomenYear of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1940-1945Export options:Enabling the participation of marginalized populations: case studies from a health service organization in Ontario, Canada
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract:We examined efforts to engage marginalized populations in Ontario Community Health Centers (CHCs), which are primary health care organizations serving 74 high-risk communities. Qualitative case ...
Year of publication: 2017Export options:Ephraim Weber's letters home 1902-1955: letters from Ephraim Weber to Leslie Staebler of Waterloo County
Type: BookAbstract: Transcripts of letters from a teacher in western Canada to a Berlin High School friend with a mutual interest in the Christian Science Church, Herbert Leslie Staebler. The editors note in their ...Keywords: BiographiesMennonitesAssociations and clubsEthnic identityEthnic groupsMusicWritersChurches Christian ScientistTeachersCorrespondenceYear of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1902-1955Export options:Evidence of Grammaticalization in Pennsylvania German
Type: Book ChapterYear of publication: 1995Export options:Evidence of Grammaticalization in Pennsylvania German
Type: Book ChapterYear of publication: 1995Export options:Families and communities of Waterloo Township in 1861
Type: ReportAbstract: A reconstitution of Waterloo Township society by unique linkage of three sources -- the 1861 census manuscripts, the township assessment rolls for 1861, and Tremaine's map. An introductory essay ...Keywords: Census recordsEthnic identityGermansLand ownershipMennonitesOccupationsSchoolsWaterloo TownshipYear of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1860-1861Export options:Families attending Midwest Mennonite Fellowship Churches of Ontario, 2017.
Type: BookKeywords: OntarioMennonitesDirectoriesYear of publication: 2017Historical Period: 2017Export options:Families of the Old Order Mennonite Church in Ontario, January 2017
Type: BookKeywords: OntarioDirectoriesMennonites (Old Order)Year of publication: 2017Historical Period: 2017Export options:Finding a home: the Frenzel Family Odyssey
Type: Journal ArticleKeywords: Frenzel familyYear of publication: 2017Export options: