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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Pre-1900 German-Canadian Ethnic Minority Writing
Type: Web project pageAbstract: Part of the Library Series of CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture ©Purdue UniversityKeywords: German authorsYear of publication: 2002Export options:Randarabesken zu Oscar Wilde
Type: Journal ArticleKeywords: Specific Literature: Canadian literatureSubject Language: German language literatureTime Period: 1900-1999Subject Author: Grove Frederick Philip (1879-1948)Subject Work: Randarabesken zu Oscar Wilde (1903)Literary Genre: proseOther Terms: English language translationYear of publication: 2002Export options:Rudy Wiebe: a tribute
Type: BookKeywords: Wiebe Rudy 1934- AppreciationYear of publication: 2002Export options:Saint Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery, sometimes known as Oswald or Hoffer Cemetery (CC#4582): German Company Tract lot 52, Woolwich Township, Waterloo County, Ontario
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions of 83 memorials with translations of the kirkenbuch entries and a history of this vanished church. A name index is also included.Year of publication: 1994Historical Period: 1853-1935Export options:Selected and Annotated Bibliography of German-Canadian Literature and Criticism
Type: Web project pageKeywords: German authorsYear of publication: 2002Export options:Snyder's Corner: The History of G.C.T. Lot 63
Type: Journal ArticleYear of publication: 2002Export options:Story of the Markham Berczy settlers: 200 years in Markham, 1794-1994: a story of bravery and perseverance
Type: BookKeywords: Markham TownshipBerczy familyMennonitesYear of publication: 1994Export options:The Bernhardt family: from Alsace to Upper Canada
Type: BookAbstract: A history of the Bernhardt family, founded by Philip Jacob and Barbara Rupp who came to Waterloo Township in 1841 and to Preston in 1855. Members of this family range from brewers and hotel keepers ...Keywords: PoetryArt and artistsLutheransGermansGenealogyPrestonAlsace-LorraineWaterloo TownshipBernhardt familyYear of publication: 1994Historical Period: 1841-1994Export options:The Bowmanville Riot
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: The writer discusses the history of the three-day Battle of Bowmanville, which occurred in Ontario in October 1942 when Canadian troops fired on German prisoners of war during a rebellion at a camp. ...Keywords: World War IIPrisoners of warBowmanvilleYear of publication: 2002Export options:The breath you take from the Lord
Type: BookKeywords:Year of publication: 2002Export options: