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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
30th anniversary cookbook 1981-2011: a collection of recipes
Type: BookKeywords: Canadian cookingMennonite cookingYear of publication: 2014Historical Period: 1981-2011Export options:A good Mennonite?
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract:From a Mennonite Brethren background-her grandparents and parents were missionaries in India-[Ruth Klahsen] has been featured in several Mennonite Savings and Credit Union articles for her unique ...
Year of publication: 2014Export options:A history of the ancestors and relations
Type: BookAbstract: A sequel to the author's 1973 book which followed the Woolwich couple's descendants. This book examines the German and French antecedents and the U.S. family connections.Keywords: GenealogySettlersGermansReunionsRitter familyRitter PhilipRitter Elizabeth Knechtel (m. Philip)Schweitzer Elizabeth Ritter (m. Jacob)Schweitzer JacobRitter ValentineYear of publication: 1994Historical Period: 1819-1994Export options:A history of the Shantz family
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of the family of Isaac and Barbara Reiff, particularly of Peter Erb Shantz, the author's grandfather. There are charts, biographies, reunion notes, information on the P.E. Shantz Foundry ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesBiographiesShantz familyBerlin (Ontario)Kitchener19th century20th centuryYear of publication: 1994Historical Period: 1850-1994Export options:A long and vibrant life: Sister Rita Kittel (aka Sister Anaclete)
Type: Journal ArticleKeywords: BiographiesGerman CanadiansYear of publication: 2014Export options:A reflection on the collective biography
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An outline of a project that gathered data on 547 councillors, summarizing some of the collective results derived from the data including information on religion, occupation, political party and sex ...Year of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1852-1972Export options:A tribute to a great community builder: an official souvenir program
Type: BookAbstract: A programme for the retirement celebration of Dominic Cardillo, who had served on Kitchener City Council from 1962- 1982, and was Kitchener's longest serving mayor, serving from 1982-1994. There are ...Year of publication: 1994Historical Period: 1962-1994Export options:After Grace: the sequel : a collection of recipes
Type: BookKeywords: Mennonite cookingFood customsYear of publication: 2014Export options:Aus Gottes linker Hand : Stimme eines Irrenden : Gedichte
Type: BookYear of publication: 1995Export options:Baden's medical men
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Profiles of Baden's physicians from 1873 to 1949, including basic biographical information, details of their training and where they went after leaving Baden: apart from one doctor who retired due to ...Year of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1873-1949Export options: