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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
George Iutzi and Catherine Miller genealogy, 1801-1992
Type: BookAbstract: An account of the descendants of one of the Jutzi brothers who came to Canada. Both the older (Jutzi) and newer (Iutzi) spellings of the family name are used. There are separate indexes for the ...Keywords: GenealogyBiographiesAmishImmigrationWilmot TownshipJutzi familyIutzi familyJutzi GeorgeJutzi Catherine Miller (m. George)Year of publication: 1992Historical Period: 1801-1992Export options:Going by the moon and the stars: stories of two Russian Mennonite women
Type: ThesisKeywords: Russian MennonitesWomenBiographiesImmigrantsUkraineMolotschnaKitchenerWorld War II T2 Canadian theses on microfichYear of publication: 1992Export options:History of the Board of Jewish Education of Toronto, 1949-1975: A Study of Autonomy and Control
Type: ThesisAbstract: This study explores the narrative and administrative history of the Board of Jewish Education of Toronto beginning with the genesis of the idea that a central agency overseeing Jewish education in ...Year of publication: 1992Export options:Holy Family Roman Catholic Cemetery, New Hamburg (CC#4559): South Bleams Road, Wilmot Township, Waterloo County
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions with index of about 200 markers. The introduction notes that the cemetery land was bought in 1892, local Catholic burials having previously been in the St Agatha cemetery. Other ...Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyIndexesYear of publication: 1992Historical Period: 1892-1990Export options:'If You Want Peace, Prepare for Peace': Hanna Newcombe, Peace Researcher and Peace Activist
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Portrays the dedication of peace activist Hanna Newcombe, a Jewish refugee from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia. Newcombe began her work in 1960 with the Voice of Women, helped to start a new chapter of ...Keywords: DundasPacifismNewcombe HannaJewsYear of publication: 1992Export options:In search of freedom: early blacks in Waterloo County
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An analysis of black settlement with biographies of notable personalities such as the barber and politician Peter Edward Susand, teacher John Frederick Augustus Sykes Fayette, and Robert Sutherland ...Keywords: Black peopleTeachersEducationProperty rightsJubileesSchools PublicLawyersClergyPoliticiansElections MunicipalYear of publication: 1992Historical Period: 1834-1900Export options:Isaax Z. Hunsicker's letter from Buck's County. Pennsylvania to Waterloo County, November 29, 1864
Type: JournalYear of publication: 2014Export options:Latschaw Mennonite Cemetery, CC #4560 : 1494 Bleams Road East (formerly Concession North of Bleam's Road, Lot 4), Wilmot Township, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Ontario (formerly Waterloo County)
Type: BookKeywords: CemeteriesMennonitesWaterlooYear of publication: 2014Export options:Latschaw Mennonite Cemetery, CC #4560 : 1494 Bleams Road East (formerly Concession North of Bleam's Road, Lot 4), Wilmot Township, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Ontario (formerly Waterloo County)
Type: BookKeywords: MennonitesCemeteriesCemetery recordsYear of publication: 2014Export options:Living on the edge: Old Colony Mennonites and digital technology usage
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract:Mainstream society’s perceptions of traditional Mennonites tend towards viewing them as technologically deficient. Yet, cell phones, computers, and tablets are increasingly prevalent within this ...
Year of publication: 2014Export options: