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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Genealogy of Balthasar Schmidt, Elisabeth (Horst) Schmidt (his wife), their families and descendants of Philipsburg and Gads Hill
Type: BookAbstract: An outline of the story of a Perth farming couple who were associated with Zion Lutheran Church, Philipsburg, and who retired to Baden in the early 1900s.Keywords: GermansLutheransGenealogyPerth CountyPhilipsburgSchmidt familySchmidt BalthasarSchmidt Elizabeth Horst (m. Balthasar)Year of publication: 1993Historical Period: 1841-1993Export options:Waterloo County to 1972: an Annotated Bibliography of Regional History
Type: BookAbstract: Annotated bibliographic references to about 890 books, 620 booklets, 540 reports, 290 theses, and 1,850 articles and notes, as well as newspapers, chapters in books, directory series, gazetteers and ...Keywords: BibliographiesIndexesAgricultureArchitectureArchive recordsBiographiesBusinessesCemeteriesChurchesUrbanizationYear of publication: 1993Historical Period: 1800-1990Export options:Weber families in Waterloo and Bruce Counties (non-Mennonite)
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy with some added handwritten notes, linking this family of Webers to the Mennonite Webers in Martin's earlier work on John Anton Weber. Most families mentioned here were Lutherans or ...Keywords: GenealogyWeber familyWeber ChristopherWeber Christian B.Weber JacobWeber AdamWeber DanielWeber JohnWeber LouisWeber Carl J.Year of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1830-1991Export options: