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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A genealogical record of the descendants
Type: ReportAbstract: A history of a family with combined German and Scottish ancestry. Those who settled in Waterloo County include the families of Philip Zeller who lived near Breslau, Elmer Zeller McIntyre who bred ...Keywords: GenealogyBiographiesSettlersGermansWaterloo CountyZeller familyWilmot TownshipBreslau (Ontario)19th century20th centuryYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1840-1987Export options:Biehn/Bean family of Bucks County, Pennsylvania and Ontario, Canada, 1700-1986
Type: BookAbstract: A family history including a reprint of Samuel U. Bean's work on the Bean family in Canada, with the addition of information from the "Mennonite Quarterly Review" of 1939 and 1929. The genealogical ...Year of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1800-1986Export options:Cambridge: the making of a Canadian city
Type: BookAbstract: A popular history of Cambridge to 1987, and of the three separate industrial towns that were amalgamated in 1973: Galt, Preston, and Hespeler. The author presents a general historical overview, ...Year of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1775-1987Export options:Family history of Jacob and Elizabeth Eby Bergey
Type: BookAbstract: An annotated genealogy updating the 1925 work by Dr David Hendricks Bergey and including brief histories of the Bergey and Clemens families.Keywords: GenealogyPennsylvania GermansMennonitesBiographiesBergey JacobEby ElizabethBergey familyClemens familyBirky familyBergey DavidYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1818-1987Export options:In search of promised lands: a religious history of Mennonites in Ontario
Type: BookAbstract:The wide-ranging story of Mennonite migration, theological diversity, and interaction with other Christian streams is distilled in this engaging volume, which tracks the history of Ontario ...
Year of publication: 2015Export options:Inventory of Ontario newspapers: 1793-1986
Type: BookAbstract: A guide to English-language newspapers, including those of Waterloo County. The entries are arranged alphabetically, first by place of publication, then by masthead name. Frequency of publication ( ...Keywords: NewspapersPublishersYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1844-1986Export options:Ottawa Mennonite Church hears stories from refugees
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract:Mary Enns was [Faduma Mahmoud]'s high school teacher and remembers Faduma as an angry, disengaged youth. When Faduma approached Mary, upset that nothing was planned for Black History month, they ...
Keywords: RefugeesChurches MennoniteMuseumsYear of publication: 2015Export options:Pioneer footprints in York County: Pennsylvania German families who arrived in York County in the early 1800s
Type: BookKeywords: HistoryOntario19th centuryGenealogyPennsylvaniaYorkBirth registersEmigrationImmigrationSettlers PioneerYear of publication: 2015Export options:Steinmann Amish Mennonite Cemetery (CC#4570): Wilmot Township, Waterloo County, Lot 18, South Snyder's Road
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions of 340 markers preceded by a history and guide to the cemetery, a plan of the cemetery and an index. The introduction explains that the cemetery's origins are obscure but that it ...Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyMennonitesAmishYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1860-1986Export options:The Emile and Susanna (Ebersol) Arthaud family, 1765-1987: with allied families of Blank/Plank, Lebold, Neuhauser, Schwartzentruber and Zwalter
Type: BookAbstract: History of the descendants of Emil Arthaud, a French Mennonite who migrated to Canada in 1833 and married Susanna Ebersol of Wilmot Township. The couple bought one hundred acres of land in Zorra ...Keywords: GenealogyAmishMennonitesWilmot TownshipFrenchZorra TownshipOxford CountyArthaud familyEbersole familyZwalder familyYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1833-1987Export options: