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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Jacob Y. Shantz: Mennonite businessman
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An account of the financial fortunes of Shantz (1822-1909), from his farming and sawmill business enterprises in the 1850s, the founding of the Dominion Button Works and other industries in the 1870s ...Keywords: BiographiesMennonitesBusinessesEntrepreneursSaw mill industryFarmersButton industryShantz Jacob Y.Berlin (Ontario)KitchenerYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1843-1914Export options:John Weicker family: 1830 pioneers of South Easthope Tsp., Perth County, East Zorra Township, Oxford County
Type: BookAbstract: A compendium of family trees, reunion reports, photographs, biographies and reminiscences relating to the Weicker family, German Lutherans who settled mostly in Perth County. Some of the family ...Keywords: GenealogyGermansObituariesBiographiesMapsWaterloo CountyPerth CountyWeicker familyWeicker JohnWeicker Catherine Zinkan (m. John)Year of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1830-1987Export options:Kinzie-Bean Cemetery (CC#5425): Biehn Tract Lot 1, Waterloo Township (now Mill Park Drive, Kitchener, west of Doon)
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions and index of about 80 surviving markers and monuments in the cemetery located on the original farm of John Biehn who came from Montgomery County, PA in 1800. Biehn's son-in-law, Dilman ...Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1800-1985Export options:Latschaw Mennonite Cemetery, CC #4560 : 1494 Bleams Road East (formerly Concession North of Bleam's Road, Lot 4), Wilmot Township, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Ontario (formerly Waterloo County)
Type: BookKeywords: CemeteriesMennonitesWaterlooYear of publication: 2014Export options:Latschaw Mennonite Cemetery, CC #4560 : 1494 Bleams Road East (formerly Concession North of Bleam's Road, Lot 4), Wilmot Township, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Ontario (formerly Waterloo County)
Type: BookKeywords: MennonitesCemeteriesCemetery recordsYear of publication: 2014Export options:Lieder-Sammlung commentary: self-helps for the Gemeinschaftliche Lieder-Sammlung
Type: BookKeywords: MennonitesMusicHymnsYear of publication: 1987Export options:Limerick Cornell Cemetery (CC#5417): Broken Front Concession, East of the Grand, Lot 9, Waterloo Township
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions, with an index, of some 31 stones that were moved in about 1967, from the original location on the west side of Highway 8 about one mile north of Preston, to a location beside Doon ...Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1810-1900Export options:Linwood Cemeteries: St Peter's Lutheran Cemetery (CC#4541), Concession XI, Lot 11; Linwood Union Cemetery (CC#4531), Concession
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions of about 190 stones in St Peter's Cemetery, founded for the German- speaking people of the community in about 1900, and of the 135 stones in the Linwood Union Cemetery (used from about ...Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1860-1986Export options:Living on the edge: Old Colony Mennonites and digital technology usage
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract:Mainstream society’s perceptions of traditional Mennonites tend towards viewing them as technologically deficient. Yet, cell phones, computers, and tablets are increasingly prevalent within this ...
Year of publication: 2014Export options:Looking for the right words: human rights and Mennonite Central Committee Canada's advocacy work
Type: Journal ArticleYear of publication: 2014Export options: