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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
History of the Isaac B. Snider family: 1841-1921
Type: BookAbstract: An annotated list of descendants of Isaac Bingeman Snider and Nancy Sittler who settled near German Mills in about 1861. Birth and death dates for all of their thirteen children are given as well as ...Keywords: GenealogySnider FamilySnider Isaac B.Snider Nancy SittlerGerman MillsWaterloo Township19th century20th centuryYear of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1861-1985Export options:Holocaust hoaxer on trial in Canada
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Ernst Zundel was convicted for claiming that the Holocaust was a hoax under a little-used Canadian law against publishing untruths that might cause racial or social intolerance. Zundel was born in ...Year of publication: 1985Export options:Index to births, deaths and marriages published in the Hamburger Beobachter, 1855- 1856, transcribed from the originals in the Kitchener Public Library and translated
Type: ReportAbstract: A chronological index prefaced by a brief history and description of the contents of the newspaper. The compiler observes that few notices of family events were placed in this weekly paper.Year of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1855-1856Export options:Index to the Official family register of the belonging souls of the community of New Germany with statement of their names and ages: a census of the Roman Catholic families
Type: BookAbstract: Index to a manuscript register originally compiled in February 1866. In all, 195 family names are indexed, with forenames of all persons recorded; 77 family names, each with at least 8 members ...Keywords: IndexesGenealogyFamiliesManuscriptsYear of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1865-1866Export options:Isaax Z. Hunsicker's letter from Buck's County. Pennsylvania to Waterloo County, November 29, 1864
Type: JournalYear of publication: 2014Export options:Jacob and Johannes Roos
Type: ReportAbstract: Text of a speech to the Waterloo- Wellington Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society about descendants of two German families who settled in Preston and Wilmot Township. A photocopy of a letter ...Keywords: GenealogyRoos familyRoos JacobRoos MargaretRoos JohnRoos Maria Bronner (m. John)Roos CharlesRoos Elizabeth Zing (m. Charles)Roos GeorgeRoos Katherine Schmidt (m. George)Year of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1813-1985Export options:John and Elizabeth Shupe and descendants: a family history of certain Shupes in North America from the early 18th century to the present; including notes on families of Dieffenbach, Munson, Overhold, Warner, Fulsom, Ahrens, Hirschy, Shantz & Bock
Type: BookAbstract: The life and times of the Shupe family who bought land near Freeport in 1810. Background information about the early settlement, the Tunkers and the War of 1812 is interwoven with biographical and ...Keywords: GenealogyBiographiesMennonitesImmigrantsSettlersTunkersPennsylvaniaLand ownershipShupe familyWaterloo TownshipYear of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1810-1984Export options:Latschaw Mennonite Cemetery, CC #4560 : 1494 Bleams Road East (formerly Concession North of Bleam's Road, Lot 4), Wilmot Township, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Ontario (formerly Waterloo County)
Type: BookKeywords: CemeteriesMennonitesWaterlooYear of publication: 2014Export options:Latschaw Mennonite Cemetery, CC #4560 : 1494 Bleams Road East (formerly Concession North of Bleam's Road, Lot 4), Wilmot Township, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Ontario (formerly Waterloo County)
Type: BookKeywords: MennonitesCemeteriesCemetery recordsYear of publication: 2014Export options:Living on the edge: Old Colony Mennonites and digital technology usage
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract:Mainstream society’s perceptions of traditional Mennonites tend towards viewing them as technologically deficient. Yet, cell phones, computers, and tablets are increasingly prevalent within this ...
Year of publication: 2014Export options: