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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A courtroom clash over the Holocaust
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Ernst Zundel's trial confirms that the Holocaust is still a passionate topic. Zundel, born in Germany, alleged in his 1983 pamphlet, Did Six Million Really Die?, that only thousands, rather than ...Year of publication: 1985Export options:A preliminary report on the 1984 Schneider Haus experience: a public program
Type: ReportAbstract: An account of excavations during the 1984 summer, including historical profiles of the Joseph Schneider family and of the public education programs accompanying the project.Keywords: Berlin (Ontario)Year of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1820-1900Export options:A reflection on the collective biography
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An outline of a project that gathered data on 547 councillors, summarizing some of the collective results derived from the data including information on religion, occupation, political party and sex ...Year of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1852-1972Export options:Anatomy of a Failed Strike: the T. Eaton Co. Lockout of Cloakmakers, 1912
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Chronicles the events of the failed Toronto cloakmaker's strike of 1912, in which a tightly knit group of mostly Jewish tailors struck against the large T. Eaton Company over increased workload ...Keywords: TorontoJewsT. Eaton CompanyStrikesYear of publication: 1985Export options:Archaeological resource assessment of Kesmark Estates Ltd, City of Cambridge
Type: ReportAbstract: Report on the property settled by Abraham Pannebecker in 1826, east part of Lot 8, Concession 4, Waterloo Township. The land was sold to Thomas Eskdale in 1856, then to Lewis Kribs in 1869 and to ...Year of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1826-1890Export options:Aus Gottes linker Hand : Stimme eines Irrenden : Gedichte
Type: BookYear of publication: 1995Export options:Baden's medical men
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Profiles of Baden's physicians from 1873 to 1949, including basic biographical information, details of their training and where they went after leaving Baden: apart from one doctor who retired due to ...Year of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1873-1949Export options:Bean family cairn
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A short history of the family of John and Anna Bean, early Mennonite settlers of Wilmot Township, with a transcription of the cairn erected by family members in 1995 at the Stauffer Cemetery.Year of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1833-1995Export options:Betzner, Samuel D.
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A biography of the pioneer settler who, with Joseph Schoerg, explored the valley of the middle and upper Grand River and bought land in 1800 close to the site of Blair. After some years as a ...Keywords: MennonitesSettlers PioneerFarmersBiographiesBetzner Samuel D.Schoerg JosephBlairWaterloo TownshipYear of publication: 1985Historical Period: 1800-1816Export options:Beyond the Nation?: immigrants' local lives in Transnational Cultures
Type: BookAbstract:Beyond the Nation? outlines how German-Canadians invented ethnicity under Canadian expectations, and provides moving case studies of how notable immigrant groups integrated into Canadian society. ...
Year of publication: 2017Export options: