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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Bethel United Church Cemetery (CC#4553): Canada Company Block A, Concession 3, Lot 30, Wilmot Township
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions of 58 markers by numbered rows, with an index of all names. The introduction summarizes the history of the church which was built in 1861 as part of a circuit based in Bright, Oxford ...Year of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1861-1986Export options:Canada meine Reise an den Nipissing (Ontario) und die Schweizercolonie
Type: BookKeywords: SwissGermansNipissing DistrictYear of publication: 1982Export options:Canadian Amish Mennonite Roots in Pennsylvania
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Traces the migration from Pennsylvania and settlement in what are now York and Waterloo counties, Ontario, of the Troyer, Stoltzfus, Schwartzentruber, and other Amish families.Year of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1785-1835Export options:Checklist of parish registers
Type: ReportAbstract: A list of all registers held at the Public Archives of Canada that are on microfilm. Records listed for Waterloo County locations include Ayr, Baden, Berlin, Breslau, Cambridge, Elmira, Galt, ...Keywords: Church recordsBirth registersDeathsMarriage registersBirthsMarriageChurches PresbyterianChurches CatholicChurches AnglicanChurches LutheranYear of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1834-1951Export options:Early Mennonite migrations from Pennsylvania and subsequent settlements in Canada
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A useful summary of settlement in what became Waterloo, Woolwich and Wilmot Townships, in the context of Upper Canada generally. The author recounts the dealings with Richard Beasley and other ...Year of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1800-1900Export options:Highlights of Self-employment of Ethnocultural Groups in Canada: report 4 : German, Italian, Jewish, Polish, Ukrainian and Dutch groups in selected industries (in Canada, Ontario, Toronto). [Microfiche]
Type: BookKeywords: GermansTorontoEmploymentYear of publication: 1986Export options:Nith Valley Mennonite Cemetery, formerly Biehn Mennonite Cemetery (CC#4554): Canada Company Block A, Concession 3, Lot 24, Wilmot Township
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions, with index and plan, of about 50 markers. The introduction notes that the Nith Valley Mennonite Church, formerly Biehn Mennonite Church, was originally built in 1870 on land given by ...Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyMennonitesYear of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1870-1986Export options:Pinehill Cemetery (CC#4549): Canada Company Block A, Concession 1, Lot 14 and 15, Wilmot Township, Waterloo County
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions with plan and index of about one hundred markers in the cemetery located on Huron Road (County Road #2) about four kilometres east of Haysville. The introduction notes that the ...Year of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1841-1939Export options:Reist family reunion
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A report on the reunion at St Jacobs, with genealogical notes on this Pennsylvania Mennonite family. Although Abraham Reist owned land in Woolwich Township he never came to Canada, but his son John ...Keywords: Settlers PennsylvaniaMennonitesGenealogyReist familyReist JohnReist SamuelKoch Barbara Reist (m. Ludwig)Reist Susannah Huber (m. John)Reist John JrReist IsaacYear of publication: 1986Historical Period: 1821-1986Export options:Separation or Integration? the Russian Mennonite Immigrant Community in Ontario, 1924-45
Type: ThesisAbstract: How do ethnic groups survive and maintain their identity when transplanted into an alien cultural environment? That question is one of the major issues in the study of ethnicity. Both historians and ...Keywords: Russian MennonitesAcculturationYear of publication: 1986Export options: