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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
1784-1984: 200 years of German participation in building Ontario: a chronological table
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A summary of the migrations of German- speaking people and the areas they settled in the Waterloo region. Prominent individuals including Benjamin Eby, Christian Nafziger, F.W. Bindemann, George ...Keywords: GermansReligionEducationCustoms and traditionsSportsMusicAssociations and clubsIndustriesGerman languageUpper CanadaYear of publication: 1984Export options:1784-1984: 200 years of German participation in building Ontario: a chronological table
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A summary of the migrations of German- speaking people and the areas they settled in the Waterloo region. Prominent individuals including Benjamin Eby, Christian Nafziger, F.W. Bindemann, George ...Keywords: GermansReligionEducationCustoms and traditionsSportsMusicAssociations and clubsIndustriesGerman languageUpper CanadaYear of publication: 1984Historical Period: 1800-1984Export options:A socio-economic history of German- Canadians: they, too, founded Canada: a research report
Type: BookAbstract: A survey of German groups who settled in the Waterloo County area, including discussion of migration, settlement, war, education, politics, recreation, communications and culture.Keywords: Ethnic groupsEthnic identityGermansImmigrationPublishersLeisure activitiesOccupationsAssociations and clubsEducationUnited Empire LoyalistsYear of publication: 1984Historical Period: 1799-1984Export options:Canada meine Reise an den Nipissing (Ontario) und die Schweizercolonie
Type: BookKeywords: SwissGermansNipissing DistrictYear of publication: 1982Export options:Descendants of Christian Erb II, 1734- 1810, and Maria Scherch, 1737-1814, (12 children) who came to Ontario, 1808 (bu. at Blair)
Type: BookAbstract: Genealogical charts of the descendants of Christian and Maria Erb, who migrated to Canada to be with their daughter, Elizabeth Erb Schneider. The Erbs married into the Eby, Schneider and Sherk ...Keywords: GenealogyErb FamilySherk familyErb ChristianErb Maria ScherchErb JacobErb Salome GraybillEby familySchneider familySchneider ChristianYear of publication: 1984Historical Period: 1808-1984Export options:Johannes Holzer, the Canisius of Upper Canada (1817-1888)
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A biography illustrated with a portrait and including references to the priest's time at St Agatha in the mid-nineteenth century.Year of publication: 1984Historical Period: 1848-1850Export options:Ontario directory for 1851: names of professional and business men and other inhabitants in the cities, towns, and villages throughout the province
Type: BookAbstract: A reprint of the Ontario portion of {The Canada directory} (1851), to which has been added a new index of the cities, towns, and villages. Waterloo County locations include Ayr, Berlin, Bridgeport, ...Keywords: DirectoriesOccupationsPopulationIndustriesBusinessesBusinessmenManufacturersCities and townsYear of publication: 1984Historical Period: 1850-1851Export options:Ontario's history in maps
Type: BookAbstract: A fine volume of early maps, reproduced with explanatory text and annotations and including several showing the Waterloo County area. A 1792 plan of the Six Nations Indian lands is reproduced on page ...Keywords: MapsYear of publication: 1984Historical Period: 1792-1850Export options:Peter G. Martin letters - English
Type: BookAbstract: A collection of letters from Peter G. Martin of St Jacobs to friends in other parts of Canada and the United States. The letters have been transcribed and, where necessary, translated from German ...Keywords: CorrespondenceMennonites (Old Order)Diseases TyphoidDiseases InfluenzaFarmersMartin Peter G.Martin familySt JacobsYear of publication: 1984Historical Period: 1872-1899Export options:Soviet Jewish Emigres in Toronto: Ethnic Self-Identity and Issues of Integration
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Traces some of the difficulties recent Soviet Jewish immigrants have encountered in relating to the established Jewish community in Toronto. The tensions between the new immigrants and the ...Keywords: TorontoJewsAcculturationYear of publication: 1984Export options: