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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
30th anniversary cookbook 1981-2011: a collection of recipes
Type: BookKeywords: Canadian cookingMennonite cookingYear of publication: 2014Historical Period: 1981-2011Export options:A family history of David Rife, formerly Reiff, beginning about 1751: also a history of Michael Troyer, beginning about 1706
Type: BookAbstract: A combined genealogy of the Rife family, some of whom settled in Waterloo County, and the Troyer family in Vaughan County. Articles, obituaries, wills and photographs relating to the families are ...Keywords: GenealogyObituariesFarmersRife DavidRife Ophelia Lochead (m. David)Troyer familyRife familyPanabaker FamilyWaterloo CountyHespelerYear of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1800-1980Export options:A good Mennonite?
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract:From a Mennonite Brethren background-her grandparents and parents were missionaries in India-[Ruth Klahsen] has been featured in several Mennonite Savings and Credit Union articles for her unique ...
Year of publication: 2014Export options:A long and vibrant life: Sister Rita Kittel (aka Sister Anaclete)
Type: Journal ArticleKeywords: BiographiesGerman CanadiansYear of publication: 2014Export options:After Grace: the sequel : a collection of recipes
Type: BookKeywords: Mennonite cookingFood customsYear of publication: 2014Export options:Cast down, but not forsaken: the Second World War experience and memory of German-Canadian Lutherans in Southwestern Ontario
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract:This study seeks to reassess the notion that German-Canadians in Ontario were “silent victims” during the Second World War by exploring the wartime experience and memory of German-Canadian ...
Year of publication: 2014Export options:Change in Religion, Economics, and Boundary Conditions among Amish Mennonites in Southwestern Ontario
Type: ThesisAbstract: In explaining modernization in an Ontario Amish Mennonite community, this thesis follows Kuhn's model of change in the sciences, detailing especially the interaction of internal religious ideology ...Keywords: OntarioAmishAcculturationYear of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1900-59Export options:Descendants of Jacob and Maria Burckhart, a genealogy
Type: ReportAbstract: A revised version of a genealogy of a Pennsylvania Mennonite family, including references to Peter Burkhard and Barbara Good Burkhard.Keywords: GenealogyPennsylvania GermansClergyMennonitesBurkhard familyBurkhard PeterBurkhard Barbara Good (m. Peter)Waterloo TownshipYear of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1820-1970Export options:Dr. Henry Theodore Legler: "the most cultured German of his day"
Type: Journal ArticleKeywords:Year of publication: 2014Export options:Eating like a Mennonite
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract:[Marlene Epp] began her third lecture, "Eating across borders: Mennonite missions and migrations," by showing several photos of "food fusion," restaurants and grocery stores in southern Ontario ...
Keywords: MennonitesMennonite cookingFoodYear of publication: 2014Export options: