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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Index to Yost genealogy
Type: ReportKeywords: Settlers GermanIndexesGenealogyMennonitesYost Anna Ruppel (m. William H.)Yost JacobYost familyWaterloo CountyYear of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1847-1983Export options:Introduction: the Jantzi/Yantzi/Yancey family from Lorraine, France to Lewis County, New York and Ontario, Canada with smaller contingents soon moving on to Iowa and Illinois; Supplement: additions and corrections to Family history and genealogy of John Jantzi and Elizabeth Gerber by Mrs Menno W. Kuepfer and Lorraine Roth, 1974 and to The family history and genealogy of Joseph and Catherine (Boshart) Jantzi, Christian and Catherine (Boshart, Jantzi) Riser, John and Anna (Jausi) Ulrich by Ruth Yantzi Ryan and Lorraine Roth, 1982
Type: ReportAbstract:Background material on the French origins of the family with additions and corrected information, though the contemporary genealogy has not been updated. Both books mentioned in the title are ...
Year of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1830-1991Export options:Jacob and Barbara (Boshart) Schmidt genealogy
Type: BookAbstract: A list of the descendants of Jacob and Barbara of Mornington Township, with an introduction giving background information on the family. Jacob's parents, John and Barbara Schwartzentruber, arrived in ...Keywords: GenealogySquattersSaw mill industryFarmersSettlers PennsylvaniaMennonitesSchmidt familySchmidt JamesSchmidt JohnSchmidt John B.O.Year of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1835-1980Export options:Kaiser's bust: a study of war-time propaganda in Berlin, Ontario, 1914-1918
Type: BookKeywords: Berlin (Ontario)Year of publication: 1991Export options:Kitchener Mount Hope Cemetery walking tours
Type: BookAbstract: A guide to three suggested walking tours, following a brief historical sketch of the cemetery administered by the City of Kitchener since 1958. Markers date from 1812. The Town of Berlin bought two ...Keywords: CemeteriesBiographiesTour guidesYear of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1812-1980Export options:Liebeserklärung an das kleine Paradies
Type: BookYear of publication: 1980Export options:Little Germany in Waterloo County
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A chapter containing a short profile of German life in Waterloo County to Confederation with particular reference to Berlin, emphasizing the German ethnic contributions.Keywords: Waterloo CountyUpper CanadaMennonitesEthnic groupsEthnic identityGermansLautenschlager PhilippHoffman JohnPeterson Henry WilliamYear of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1800-1867Export options:Little paradise: the saga of the German Canadians in Waterloo County, Ontario 1800-1975
Type: BookKeywords: Waterloo CountyCultural identityCustoms and traditionsPennsylvania GermansMennonitesGermansYear of publication: 1980Export options:Mapping Upper Canada, 1780-1867: an annotated bibliography of manuscript and printed maps
Type: BookAbstract: A definitive reference work that includes entries for about 100 maps and plans relating to Waterloo County.Year of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1800-1867Export options:Migration of Bechtel family members from Montgomery County, Pennsylvania to Waterloo County, Ontario
Type: ReportAbstract: A comparison of two 1895 genealogies by Henry S. Bower and Ezra E. Eby, making inferences about American Bechtel family relationships in the 18th and early 19th centuries.Keywords: GenealogyPennsylvania GermansImmigrationBechtel familyBechtel AbrahamBechtel GeorgeBechtel JosephBechtel George B.Waterloo TownshipUpper CanadaYear of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1800-1847Export options: