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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Family history of Anthony Wilhelm II
Type: ReportAbstract: A genealogical chart of seven generations of the Wilhelm family, German farmers who bought portions of Bechtel's Tract and Heistand's Tract in Waterloo County in the mid-19th century. A list of land ...Keywords: GenealogySettlers GermanFarmersReinhart familyWilhelm AnthonyWilhelm familyWilhelm Anthony JrWilhelm MargaretWilhelm Margaret Wendling (m. Anthony Jr)Wilhelm Mary Tauss (m. Anthony Jr)Year of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1850-1980Export options:Family history of John Strohm Clemens 1833-1991
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of the descendants of the twelve children of John S. and Rebecca Snyder. John was the grandson of Abraham Clemens who came from Pennsylvania to settle in Fisher's Mills in 1818. Notes on ...Keywords: GenealogyDiseasesPennsylvania GermansBiographiesMennonitesFisher's MillsWaterloo TownshipClemens familyYear of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1818-1991Export options:Family history of Jonas C. Shantz and Hannah Snyder Shantz, 1710-1980
Type: BookAbstract: An account of the progenitors and descendants of Jonas C. Shantz (1813-1898) and Hannah Snyder and their eight children. There is a biography of each of the children, apart from Magdalena who died in ...Keywords: Pennsylvania GermansGenealogyBiographiesShantz familyShantz MosesShantz LeviShantz Wendel S.Shantz Jonas C.Shantz ChristianShantz MagdalenaYear of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1813-1980Export options:Folk song book in the street-talk of Berlin, Ontario: a look at: birds, flowers, to market in Berlin, little barnyard friends; a German dialect of Ontario Canada in English phonetic form with historical background
Type: BookKeywords: Berlin (Ontario)MusicDialectsYear of publication: 1991Export options:Folkways: personal views
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: An edited summary of a panel discussion moderated by Clarke Hess and Lorna Bergey and including Donald Martin and Ivan Kraemer of Waterloo County and other Mennonite members from Pennsylvania. Topics ...Keywords: Mennonites (Old Order)BirthsDeathsMennonitesAgricultureChildrenCustoms and traditionsWomenAssociations and clubsPennsylvania GermansYear of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1900-1990Export options:From forge to farm
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A history of the emigration of Valentin and Anna Gertrude Ratz from Germany in 1828, based largely on the memories and family traditions contained in a 1918 letter by Jacob Ratz, who was an infant ...Keywords: Settlers GermanBlacksmithsSaw mill industryGenealogyRatz JacobRatz ValentinRatz Anna Gertrude (m. Valentin)Wilmot Centre CemeteryHessen GermanyAlsfeld Hessen GermanyYear of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1828-1918Export options:From Pennsylvania to Waterloo: Pennsylvania-German folk culture in transition
Type: BookAbstract: Proceedings of the 10th anniversary symposium, "Continuity and change: Pennsylvania-German folk culture in transition", richly illustrated with photographs of the accompanying exhibit, "Changes in ...Keywords: AmishArt and artistsFood customsCustoms and traditionsEthnic identityAgricultureFolk artFolkloreGenealogyGerman languageYear of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1750-1950Export options:Genealogical chart of the Devitt family and related branches, 1780-1980
Type: ReportAbstract: A detailed genealogical chart of the descendants of Dennis Devitt, builder of the Union Mills in Waterloo. This report contains biographical information on the fourth and succeeding generations of ...Keywords: GenealogyBiographiesGermansDevitt familyDevitt BarnabasDevitt DennisDevitt Polly Ripple (m. Dennis)WaterlooYear of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1815-1980Export options:Hallman family history in Canada
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy containing portions of family histories by H.S. Hallman and Dr Bergey. Biographical data and photographs of family farmsteads precede the genealogical data for each branch of the family.Keywords: GenealogySettlersPennsylvania GermansBiographiesFarmersMennonitesRosevilleNew DundeeMannheimDumfries North TownshipYear of publication: 1991Historical Period: 1825-1991Export options:Heiteres und Satirisches aus der deutschkanadischen Literatur : John Adam Rittinger, Walter Roome, Ernst Loeb, Rolf Max Kully
Type: BookKeywords: LiteratureGerman20th centuryRittinger John Adam (1855-1915)Roome WalterLoeb ErnstKully Rolf MaxYear of publication: 1980Export options: