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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Genealogical chart of the Devitt family and related branches, 1780-1980
Type: ReportAbstract: A detailed genealogical chart of the descendants of Dennis Devitt, builder of the Union Mills in Waterloo. This report contains biographical information on the fourth and succeeding generations of ...Keywords: GenealogyBiographiesGermansDevitt familyDevitt BarnabasDevitt DennisDevitt Polly Ripple (m. Dennis)WaterlooYear of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1815-1980Export options:Genealogical information in the Bibles of the Waterloo Historical Society
Type: ReportAbstract: Translations from the German, arranged alphabetically by family name and providing information on births, deaths and marriages.Keywords: GenealogyGerman languageFamiliesBirthsDeathsMarriageMennonitesAssociations and clubsLibrariesYear of publication: 1990Historical Period: 1726-1965Export options:German Canadiana: a bibliography / Deutschkanadische Bibliographie
Type: BookAbstract: A multidisciplinary listing of titles up to 1987, including monographs, articles from journals and newspapers, theses, and manuscripts and typescripts, arranged under thematic headings such as ...Year of publication: 1990Historical Period: 1800-1987Export options:Grandmother Kaufman: Mary Ratz Kaufman, December 14, 1856 - December 24, 1943
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Recollections of Mary Kaufman by the youngest of her grandchildren, who describes her practicality in the household and her dedication to her church and to community causes such as the Y.W.C.A.Keywords: Kaufman Mary Ratz (m. Jacob)BiographiesChurches EvangelicalCharitiesFamiliesOccupationsAssociations and clubsWomenZion Evangelical Church KitchenerKitchener Y.W.C.A.Year of publication: 1990Historical Period: 1931-1943Export options:Heiteres und Satirisches aus der deutschkanadischen Literatur : John Adam Rittinger, Walter Roome, Ernst Loeb, Rolf Max Kully
Type: BookKeywords: LiteratureGerman20th centuryRittinger John Adam (1855-1915)Roome WalterLoeb ErnstKully Rolf MaxYear of publication: 1980Export options:Index to A partial history of the Cressman-Kressman-Cressman-Crissman-Crisman family, by the History Committee of Mechanicsburg PA
Type: ReportAbstract: An index to names mentioned in the Cressman family history.Year of publication: 1990Historical Period: 1800-1973Export options:Index to Bauman family history by Angus Bauman
Type: BookAbstract: An index to Bauman family members, giving the number of the generation as well as the page on which the name is mentioned.Year of publication: 1990Historical Period: 1800-1940Export options:Index to Family history of Jacob B. Brubacher by William McKinnon
Type: ReportAbstract: An index of about 1500 names.Year of publication: 1990Historical Period: 1855-1978Export options:Index to History and genealogy of the Brubaker-Brubacher-Brewbaker family in America
Type: ReportAbstract: A name index to Phares Brubaker Gibble's work.Year of publication: 1990Historical Period: 1807-1951Export options:Index to Reminiscences and records of the family of Enoch and Hannah (Eby) Burkhart, by Irvin E. Burkhart
Type: ReportAbstract: An index to more than 240 names.Year of publication: 1990Historical Period: 1820-1970Export options: