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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Catherine Litt and Peter Alles family
Type: BookAbstract: A collection of documents about Peter Alles (1829-1892), a German immigrant to Wilmot Township who became an Evangelical preacher, and his descendants. Peter and his wife Catherine later moved to ...Keywords: GenealogyClergyGermansSourcesWomenCorrespondenceWilmot TownshipAlles Peter Rev.Alles Catherine Litt (m. Peter)Alles ValentineYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1829-1987Export options:Change in Religion, Economics, and Boundary Conditions among Amish Mennonites in Southwestern Ontario
Type: ThesisAbstract: In explaining modernization in an Ontario Amish Mennonite community, this thesis follows Kuhn's model of change in the sciences, detailing especially the interaction of internal religious ideology ...Keywords: OntarioAmishAcculturationYear of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1900-59Export options:Checklist of indexes to Canadian newspapers
Type: MiscellaneousAbstract: A list of indexes to newspapers in Canada, including partial indexes to {Cambridge Reporter}, {Galt Evening Reporter}, {Hespeler Herald}, {Prestonian}, {Berlin Telegraph}, {Berliner Journal}, {Canada ...Keywords: NewspapersIndexesBirthsMarriageDeathsYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1830-1980Export options:Conference resolutions at the semi-annual conference of the Mennonite Church of Waterloo County, Ont., held in the C. Eby Church, Berlin, on the 13th
Type: BookKeywords: MennonitesWaterloo CountyYear of publication: 1987Export options:Convention, power and the self in German Mennonite magic
Type: ThesisAbstract: This dissertation looks at how historical problems have been defined in cultural anthropology. Attention has been given to how notions of evidence and argument have changed in anthropology since the ...Year of publication: 1987Export options:Descendants of Hans Jacob Bechtel of Pottstown, PA and George III to Ont. 1929, Rev. Joseph to Ont. 1802
Type: BookAbstract: Genealogical chart of the descendants of the four members of the Bechtel family who came to Waterloo County from Pennsylvania, Abraham, Joseph, George and George B.Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesPennsylvania GermansBechtel GeorgeBechtel familyBechtel AbrahamBechtel Hans Jacob Rev.Bechtel LeviWaterloo CountyUpper CanadaYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1802-1987Export options:Descendants of Jacob and Maria Burckhart, a genealogy
Type: ReportAbstract: A revised version of a genealogy of a Pennsylvania Mennonite family, including references to Peter Burkhard and Barbara Good Burkhard.Keywords: GenealogyPennsylvania GermansClergyMennonitesBurkhard familyBurkhard PeterBurkhard Barbara Good (m. Peter)Waterloo TownshipYear of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1820-1970Export options:Die deutsche periodische Literatur des Banats : Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Kalender 1771-1971 : Bibliographie
Type: BookKeywords: German periodicals Banat BibliographyGerman newspapers Banat BibliographyGerman imprints BanatBanat ImprintsYear of publication: 1987Export options:Doon Cemetery (CC#4519): Biehn Tract Lot
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions of about 260 stones, by row and plot, followed by an index. The introduction notes that the Doon Presbyterian Church was built in 1854 on land given by Robert Ferrie, who also bought ...Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1854-1987Export options:Doon Pioneer Tower Cemetery (CC#5016): BF East of Grand, Lot 12, Waterloo Township
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions of 21 stones, preceded by an index. The introduction notes that the Doon Pioneer Tower was erected on this site (part of the old Betzner homestead) partly because of the existence of ...Year of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1806-1875Export options: