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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Complete Woolwich cemetery records: Elmira Mennonite, St Jacobs Mennonite, Conestogo Old Order, North Woolwich Mennonite, Floradale Mennonite
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions of markers in several Woolwich cemeteries, with indexes, plans and explanatory notes on each. Nearly 800 markers are transcribed and indexed for the West Woolwich or Elmira Mennonite ...Year of publication: 1984Historical Period: 1850-1980Export options:Descendants of Christian Erb II, 1734- 1810, and Maria Scherch, 1737-1814, (12 children) who came to Ontario, 1808 (bu. at Blair)
Type: BookAbstract: Genealogical charts of the descendants of Christian and Maria Erb, who migrated to Canada to be with their daughter, Elizabeth Erb Schneider. The Erbs married into the Eby, Schneider and Sherk ...Keywords: GenealogyErb FamilySherk familyErb ChristianErb Maria ScherchErb JacobErb Salome GraybillEby familySchneider familySchneider ChristianYear of publication: 1984Historical Period: 1808-1984Export options:Descendants of Jacob and Maria Burckhart, a genealogy
Type: ReportAbstract: A revised version of a genealogy of a Pennsylvania Mennonite family, including references to Peter Burkhard and Barbara Good Burkhard.Keywords: GenealogyPennsylvania GermansClergyMennonitesBurkhard familyBurkhard PeterBurkhard Barbara Good (m. Peter)Waterloo TownshipYear of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1820-1970Export options:Destination, Ottawa Valley
Type: BookKeywords: GermansOttawa River ValleyYear of publication: 1984Export options:Erich R.W. Schultz: President, 1983-1984
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A short biographical sketch detailing his degrees, publications and contributions to Wilfrid Laurier University Library and the Kitchener-Waterloo Community Concert Association.Year of publication: 1984Historical Period: 1947-1984Export options:Family history and genealogy of Joseph C. Zehr and Barbara Wutherick, Henry Oakley and Katherine Yoder, Joseph C. Zehr and Katherine Yoder
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of a French Amish Mennonite family who settled in Oxford County about 1860 and later in Wilmot and Wellesley Townships. Biographical sketches have been included for the second generation.Keywords: GenealogyBiographiesClergyFrenchMennonitesAmishOxford CountyWellesley TownshipWilmot TownshipPunkeydoodle's CornerYear of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1896-1980Export options:Family history and genealogy of Benjamin S. and Barbara (Lichti) Roth, Anna Roth and Christian Lichti, Catherine Roth and Rudolph Schwartzentruber, John E. and Annie (Kropf) Lichti
Type: BookAbstract: A history of the Roth, Erb, Brenneman and Lichti families. Many of the Roths lived in Perth County, but because John F. Roth married Catherine Brenneman, they had a farm next to the Brennemans' in ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesAmishFarmersPerth CountyRoth familyBrenneman DanielBrenneman familyErb FamilyRoth John F.Year of publication: 1984Historical Period: 1827-1984Export options:Family history of Anthony Wilhelm II
Type: ReportAbstract: A genealogical chart of seven generations of the Wilhelm family, German farmers who bought portions of Bechtel's Tract and Heistand's Tract in Waterloo County in the mid-19th century. A list of land ...Keywords: GenealogySettlers GermanFarmersReinhart familyWilhelm AnthonyWilhelm familyWilhelm Anthony JrWilhelm MargaretWilhelm Margaret Wendling (m. Anthony Jr)Wilhelm Mary Tauss (m. Anthony Jr)Year of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1850-1980Export options:Family history of Jonas C. Shantz and Hannah Snyder Shantz, 1710-1980
Type: BookAbstract: An account of the progenitors and descendants of Jonas C. Shantz (1813-1898) and Hannah Snyder and their eight children. There is a biography of each of the children, apart from Magdalena who died in ...Keywords: Pennsylvania GermansGenealogyBiographiesShantz familyShantz MosesShantz LeviShantz Wendel S.Shantz Jonas C.Shantz ChristianShantz MagdalenaYear of publication: 1980Historical Period: 1813-1980Export options:Family history of Peter Shirk
Type: BookAbstract: A record of the ancestors and descendants of Peter Shirk, an Old Order Mennonite who held political appointments and owned the Lancaster Mills at Bridgeport and the Baden Mills. Short biographies ...Keywords: GenealogyIndustriesEducationBusinessesBiographiesReligionMennonitesMennonites (Old Order)Shirk and Snider Ltd BridgeportBaden MillsYear of publication: 1984Historical Period: 1862-1984Export options: