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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A history of the Stauffer families who came to Ontario
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy based on the 1934 work by C.T. Groh. This report includes more information on the European ancestors, the names of all Stauffers who came to Upper Canada before 1867, and a brief ...Year of publication: 1977Historical Period: 1800-1977Export options:Aaron Weber family history
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogical chart of the family of Aaron (1833-1916) and Mary Weber who farmed north of Elmira. Aaron was a Deputy Reeve of Woolwich Township from 1890 to 1894 and Reeve in 1895.Keywords: GenealogyPoliticiansMennonitesWeber familyWeber DavidWeber Mary Lyons (m. David)Weber AaronWeber Mary Weber (m. Aaron)ElmiraWoolwich TownshipYear of publication: 1977Historical Period: 1833-1977Export options:Floradale Mennonite Cemetery (CC#4586): German Company Tract lot 101, Woolwich Township, Waterloo County, Ontario
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions of about 60 stones, with a short history of Floradale Mennonite Church and a name index.Year of publication: 1993Historical Period: 1945-1991Export options:History and genealogy of the Witmer family
Type: BookAbstract: A book by the president of Spae-Naur Inc. of Kitchener. The Witmer family came from Pennsylvania to Waterloo Township in 1804 and is connected by marriage with the Groh, Gingerich and Reichert ...Keywords: GenealogyBiographiesTunkersSettlersPennsylvaniaFarmersMennonitesWaterloo TownshipRosebank19th centuryYear of publication: 1977Historical Period: 1804-1977Export options:Joseph and Catherine Bruder family history, 1834-1992
Type: BookAbstract: An account of a musical German family organized in ten main sections, for the ten children of Joseph (1834-1897) and Catherine Feth (1845-1934) who were married at St Boniface Roman Catholic Church, ...Keywords: GenealogyGermansBiographiesCatholicismCustoms and traditionsMusicAgriculturePrestonNew GermanyShantz StationYear of publication: 1993Historical Period: 1834-1992Export options:Kinzie family history: study research material, incomplete
Type: BookAbstract: Working papers including a bibliography, biographies of the American Kinzies, and a genealogy beginning in 1716. Dilman Kinzie and his wife Barbara came to Doon from Pennsylvania in 1800. Dilman died ...Keywords: GenealogySettlers PennsylvaniaWomenBiographiesMennonitesKinzie familyKinzie DilmanKinzie James A.Kinzie JohnKinzie WilliamYear of publication: 1977Historical Period: 1800-1977Export options:Mennonite Change: the Life History of the Blenheim Mennonite Church, 1839-1974
Type: Journal ArticleKeywords: Oxford CountyWaterloo CountyPennsylvania GermansChurch historiesBlenheim Mennonite ChurchNith Valley Mennonite ChurchYear of publication: 1977Historical Period: 1839-1974Export options:Musselman family history
Type: ReportAbstract: Genealogies of the four sons of David and Esther Martin: Peter, David, John, and Solomon. It also covers the related families of Martin, Horst, Brubacher, Lichty, and Schneider.Keywords: MennonitesReligious dissensionSettlers PennsylvaniaGenealogyMusselman familyMartin familyMoyer familyHorst familyBrubacher familyLichty familyYear of publication: 1993Historical Period: 1819-1993Export options:North Woolwich Conservative Mennonite Cemetery (CC#4589): German Company Tract lot 90, Woolwich Township, Waterloo County, Ontario
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions of more than 500 stones, with an index and an introduction that includes a short history of the church and cemetery. It notes that many of the burials in the cemetery are not Mennonite.Year of publication: 1993Historical Period: 1880-1988Export options:Reinhart heritage: Germany 1617 to Canada 1993
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogical tree that includes the descendants of Andreas and Martin Reinhart who settled near New Germany in the late 1830s and early 40s. Stories or biographical sketches are added to some names ...Keywords: GenealogyGermansFood customsCatholicismClergyNew GermanyMaryhillReinhart familyDietrich familyZettel familyYear of publication: 1993Historical Period: 1838-1993Export options: