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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
My mother tongue
Type: BookAbstract: Materials for teachers on the four settler groups of the Waterloo area, the Mohawks, the Pennsylvania-Germans, the Germans and the Scots. Printed material, slides and audio cassettes are provided on ...Keywords: Ethnic groupsEthnic identityTeachersIndigenous peoplesPennsylvania GermansGaelicGerman languagePoetryEducationChildrenYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1840-1850Export options:New Dundee Cemetery (CC#4561): Block B, Concession III, Lot 6, Wilmot Township
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions, with index and plan, of more than 450 markers dating from the 1870s to the present. The introduction notes that the first burial ground was located on the farm of Frederick ...Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1876-1986Export options:Old Christner Cemetery (CC#4548): North Schneider's Road, Lot 23 Wilmot Township
Type: ReportAbstract: Transcriptions with index of 23 markers in the long unused cemetery located one mile north of New Hamburg, near the border with Perth County. The introduction notes that the cemetery was used by ...Keywords: CemeteriesGenealogyBuildings StoneYear of publication: 1987Historical Period: 1841-1919Export options:Ontario fraktur art: a decorative tradition in three Germanic settlements
Type: BookKeywords: FrakturFolk artMennonitesYear of publication: 1976Export options:Our family history: book one, supplements, and newsletters [WRP]
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of a Waterloo County German Catholic family, written in 1976 with a 1977 supplement. Newsletters from 1979 and 1981 contain additional photographs and information. A reference to ...Keywords: GenealogyGermansBiographiesCatholicismDoll familyDoll BernhardDoll Mary Ann Wilhelm (m. Frederick)Doll FrederickWendling familyWilmot TownshipYear of publication: 1976Historical Period: 1799-1981Export options:Our family history: book two, supplements and newsletters [WRP]
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of a Waterloo German Catholic family who later settled in Illinois. It contains the original 1976 edition, a 1977 supplement, and newsletters from 1979 and 1981.Year of publication: 1976Historical Period: 1799-1981Export options:Our family history: book two, supplements and newsletters
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of a Waterloo German Catholic family who later settled in Illinois. It contains the original 1976 edition, a 1977 supplement, and newsletters from 1979 and 1981.Keywords: GenealogyGermansBiographiesCatholicismDoll familyDoll BernhardDoll Mary Ann Wilhelm (m. Frederick)Doll FrederickWendling familyWilmot TownshipYear of publication: 1976Historical Period: 1799-1981Export options:Our family history compiled by Irene Doll 1976, Book I: Doll, dedicated to the memory of Anthony and Margaret (Wendling) Doll, Book II: Beingess(n)er-Wendling, dedicated to the memory of grandmother Margaret (Wendling) Doll
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of a German Catholic family who came to Waterloo County in the first half of the 19th century and later settled in Illinois. It includes some biographical data on family members.Keywords: GenealogyBiographiesCatholicismDoll familyWendling familyBeingessner familyWilmot TownshipSt AgathaNew Germany19th centuryYear of publication: 1976Historical Period: 1799-1976Export options:Pennsylvania-German rhymes and sayings
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A collection of about 15 short poems written in dialect with an English translation. The topics of the verses vary from weather predictions to children's nonsense rhymes and a general acceptance of ...Year of publication: 1976Historical Period: 1800-1976Export options:Peter G. Martin German letters
Type: BookYear of publication: 1976Export options: