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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Christian B. Jantzi and Anna Lichty
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of the descendants of Christian and Anna, some of whom still live in Waterloo County. Christian was the eldest son of Michael and Marie Boshart who farmed near Baden. Handwritten ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesFrenchJantzi familyJantzi JohnJantzi MichaelJantzi Marie Boshart (m. Michael)Jantzi Christian B.Jantzi Anna Lichty (m. Christian B.)Nafziger PeterYear of publication: 1974Historical Period: 1837-1973Export options:Christian Wagler family
Type: BookAbstract: A manuscript genealogy of the family of Christian and his wife, Anne Marie Wagler, who came from France in 1848 and settled on what later became the Livingston farm in Baden.Keywords: MennonitesAmishGenealogyWagler familyWagler ChristianWagler Anne Marie Wagler (m. Christian)Oesch ChristianLivingston John P.BadenWilmot TownshipYear of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1848-1975Export options:Descendants of John Wismer and his wife Agnes Honsberger of Lincoln County, Ontario, Canada
Type: BookAbstract: An account concentrating on the history of the family in Pennsylvania and the Vineland area, with biographical notes on descendants who moved to Waterloo County, especially Kitchener.Keywords: MennonitesGenealogyWismer familyBiographiesWaterloo CountyBerlin (Ontario)Kitchener20th centuryYear of publication: 1974Historical Period: 1907-1974Export options:Descendants of Manassah Martin
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of the ancestors and descendants of Manassah, son of David and Rebecca Shantz. Manassah and his wife, Magdalena Shantz, had nine children. A name index for this work was added in 1991 by ...Year of publication: 1974Historical Period: 1800-1974Export options:Eastern Canada's 'Little Switzerland'
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Portrays the immigration of Swiss lowland farmers to eastern Ontario and southern Quebec, where agricultural land is cheaper and more available than in Switzerland.Keywords: SwissImmigrationFarmersYear of publication: 1983Export options:Elements of population change in Wellesley Township, 1901-1911
Type: ThesisAbstract: A demographic study based on birth, marriage and death records. The author presents statistical information on ethnic origin, gender, religious affiliation, marital and familial trends, births and ...Keywords: Demographic statisticsGermansEthnic groupsEthnic identityMarriageOccupationsDeathsDiseasesWellesley TownshipYear of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1901-1911Export options:Ethnicity and well-being in central Canada : the case of Ontario and Toronto (Kanada-Projekt II)
Type: BookKeywords: GermansTorontoSettlersEthnic groupsYear of publication: 1983Export options:Factorial ecology, Kitchener-Waterloo
Type: ThesisAbstract: A spatial analysis of socio-economic and demographic factors in familial and ethnic trends, with many of the results presented in tabular form.Year of publication: 1974Historical Period: 1961Export options:Family history and genealogy of John Jantzi and Elizabeth Gerber
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of an Amish Mennonite family who migrated from France to New York State and then settled in Wilmot Township. The biographical sketches which introduce the families of each of John and ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesSettlers FrenchAmishFarmersBiographiesJantzi familyJantzi JohnJantzi Elizabeth Gerber (m. John)Kuepfer familyYear of publication: 1974Historical Period: 1832-1974Export options:Family history of Mervin Bechtel and Adelia Brighton, compiled by their daughter, Ruby Bechtel Poth, copied from the original in her collection, 1983
Type: ReportAbstract: A collection of copied documents relating to the Bechtel family, including copies of marriage certificates, obituaries, photographs, genealogical charts and newspaper clippings. It also contains ...Keywords: GenealogyPhotographsFarmersBrighton AaronBrighton Catherine Hymmen (m. Aaron)Snider FamilyWalker GottliebWalker Catherine Hymmen Brighton (m. Gottlieb)Bechtel MervinBechtel Adelia Brighton (m. Mervin)Year of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1803-1983Export options: