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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
50 Jahre in Canada: damals und heute
Type: BookAbstract: An account of Jacob Hoffman's family after arrival in Canada from Ukraine in the 1920s. The first 21 pages describe the family's stay in Waterloo County, living on the Burkhart farm or in Kitchener ...Keywords: ImmigrantsRussian MennonitesHoffman familyHoffman JacobBiographiesUkraineKitchenerWaterloo County20th centuryYear of publication: 1973Historical Period: 1923-1973Export options:A record of the ancestors and descendants of David B. Martin, 1838-1920; supplement: John C. Weber family, the Hoover family
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of the family of an Old Order Mennonite who farmed near Wallenstein with his wife, Catherine Weber. There are biographical notes on David's American ancestors, but none on his descendants.Keywords: FarmersMennonites (Old Order)ClergyGenealogyWallensteinMartin familyMartin David B.Hoover familyWeber John C.Martin Jacob G.Year of publication: 1973Historical Period: 1820-1920Export options:A short history of Kitchener, Ontario, 1933-1935
Type: ThesisAbstract: An examination of the economic and political status of the city's elite, classified as patricians, entrepreneurs or ex-plebes. Tables list members of boards, commissions and political departments.Keywords: PoliticiansAssociations and clubsBusinessesKitchenerEuler W.D.Tweed S.C.Asmussen NicholasSturm H.W.Lips C.G.Hodgson WilliamYear of publication: 1973Historical Period: 1933-1935Export options:A string of amber: the heritage of the Mennonites
Type: BookAbstract: A popular account with occasional references to Waterloo County. Topics include the settlement process, charming and divining, and marriage and funeral customs. Personal anecdotes by the author, who ...Keywords: Russian MennonitesYear of publication: 1973Historical Period: 1800-1973Export options:Assimilation processes among immigrants : a study of German and Italian immigrants to Hamilton
Type: BookKeywords: GermansHamiltonAcculturationYear of publication: 1973Export options:Biography of Christian Esch Huehn
Type: ReportAbstract: A biographical sketch of Huehn (1864- 1923), office manager of the Breithaupt Leather Company, builder of the Huehn Block and a founder of the Fischman Spring Company. He presented Kitchener with the ...Keywords: GenealogyHousingBiographiesHuehn Christian E.Huehn ChristianHuehn Salome Esch (m. Christian)Oberholtzer OwenWuest JacobWuest familyRiener Edward R.Year of publication: 1973Historical Period: 1864-1973Export options:Das Studium der deutschkanadischen Presse - ein fruchtbares Arbeitsfeld
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A review of the German-language press in Canada before 1918, including analysis of the style and use of "German-Canadianisms" by newspaper editors, and appreciation of historical research by H.K. ...Keywords: NewspapersGerman languageGermansUpper CanadaPeterson Henry WilliamCanada Museum und Allgemeine ZeitungDer Canadische BauernfreundDer Deutsche ReformerCanadisches VolksblattDer Deutsche CanadierYear of publication: 1973Historical Period: 1835-1918Export options:Deutsche Ortsgründungen und Ortsnamen in der Grafschaft Waterloo
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Brief histories of communities with German names in each township of Waterloo County, with notes of their connections with German-speaking migrants from Europe and Pennsylvania.Year of publication: 1973Historical Period: 1800-1916Export options:Deutschkanadische Bibliographie. Eine Auswahl
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A select German-Canadian bibliography listing publications in German on literature, the press, education, settlement, travels in Canada by Germans from the late 19th and the 20th centuries, German ...Keywords: BibliographiesGermansGerman languageEthnic groupsEthnic identitySettlersPennsylvania GermansPublishersEducationAssociations and clubsYear of publication: 1973Historical Period: 1800-1970Export options:Jubiläums Ausgabe: 100 Jahre = Centennial issue : 100 years, 1872-1973
Type: BookYear of publication: 1973Export options: