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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
150 years of Amish history
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A short history of the Amish in Wilmot Township beginning in the 1820s with the arrival of Christian Nafziger. A map, based on surveyor Samuel S. Wilmot's 1830 report, shows the early settlement of ...Keywords: MapsAmishMennonites (Old Order)GermanWilmot TownshipWestern Ontario Mennonite ConferenceMennonite Central CommitteeNafziger ChristianAmman JacobSchwartzentruber MichaelYear of publication: 1972Historical Period: 1822-1972Export options:Christian Wagler family
Type: BookAbstract: A manuscript genealogy of the family of Christian and his wife, Anne Marie Wagler, who came from France in 1848 and settled on what later became the Livingston farm in Baden.Keywords: MennonitesAmishGenealogyWagler familyWagler ChristianWagler Anne Marie Wagler (m. Christian)Oesch ChristianLivingston John P.BadenWilmot TownshipYear of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1848-1975Export options:History and a partial genealogy of Michael and Magdalena (Lichti) Roth and history and full genealogy of John and Catherina (Boshart) Roth
Type: BookAbstract: An account of the family of John and Catherine and the descendants of their five married children. Michael and Magdalena, the parents of John, were French Amish Mennonites who bought land in Wilmot ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesFarmersAmishRoth familyRoth JohnRoth Catherine Boshart (m. John)Roth MichaelRoth Magdalena Lichti (m. Michael)Roth Christian B.Year of publication: 1972Historical Period: 1835-1972Export options:List of Mennonists, Quakers and Tunkers
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A list of those who paid 10 shillings as tax exemption money, including Peter Lammer, Joseph Lichte, Michael Roth, Jacob Miller, John Erb, Christian Moyer, John Lugibihl, David Geiger, Jacob Gingrich ...Year of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1836Export options: