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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A biographical history of early settlers and their descendants in Waterloo Township by Ezra E. Eby 1895 & 1896; a supplement by Joseph P. Snyder 1931; plus an intensive index of all entries of all persons whose names are used throughout the volumes; an ordinal index of geography related to the numbered items; notes about some of the families and individuals; maps and other documents of interest
Type: BookAbstract:An introduction, notes, maps and set of indexes to accompany and update the reprinting of Ezra Eby's {Biographical history} of 1895-6 (qv) and Joseph B. Snyder's {Supplement} of 1931 (qv). Lists ...
Keywords: MennonitesSettlersPennsylvaniaGenealogyLand ownershipMaps18th century19th century20th centuryYear of publication: 1971Historical Period: 1798-1970Export options:An example of an Amish Mennonite family history
Type: ReportAbstract: A genealogy of the author's families, the Gaschos who settled east of Baden and in Wellesley and the Nafzigers who farmed in Perth County. Both families were members and clergy of Amish Mennonite ...Keywords: GenealogyReligious dissensionClergyMennonitesAmishSettlers FrenchNafziger familyGascho familyGascho ChristianGascho Christina Petersheim (m. Christian)Year of publication: 1981Historical Period: 1854-1981Export options:And now we are many: a history and genealogy of the Brohman family
Type: BookAbstract: A detailed work, tracing the family from the migration of Gottlieb Brohman to New Germany (Maryhill) from Alsace in the late 1820s. He married Catherine Lauber and the succeeding generations to 1970 ...Keywords: GenealogyFolk medicineDiseasesFood customsAlsace-LorraineGermansBrohman familyBrohman JosephBrohman GottliebLauber CatherineYear of publication: 1971Historical Period: 1833-1968Export options:City-building processes in Berlin/Kitchener and Waterloo, 1870-1930
Type: ThesisAbstract: A study in urban history, organized thematically to include chapters on urban- industrial development in southern Ontario between 1870 and 1930, the urban ethos, a prosopographical analysis of ...Keywords: Berlin (Ontario)Year of publication: 1981Historical Period: 1830-1930Export options:Family history of Gottfried Reinhart
Type: ReportAbstract: A genealogy of the descendants of Gottfried Reinhart and Anna Marie Bruder who owned a farm near Berlin, south of the Grand Trunk Railway. A description of their farmhouse and a history of the farm ...Keywords: Settlers GermanFarmersGenealogyReinhart familyReinhart MartinReinhart Theresa Wolpert (m. Martin)Reinhart Henry B.Reinhart GottfriedReinhart Anna Marie Bruder (m. Gottfried)Galt ThomasYear of publication: 1981Historical Period: 1824-1981Export options:Family history of Joseph Y. Shantz and Elizabeth (Stauffer) Shantz
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy introduced by reminiscences of Joseph and Elizabeth's twelve children. Joseph owned a sawmill on Plum Creek and founded the Haysville Cheese Factory, the first in Waterloo County. The ...Keywords: GenealogyIndustriesSchoolsMennonitesNew HamburgHaysvilleWilmot TownshipShantz Joseph Y.Shantz Elizabeth Stauffer (m. Joseph Y.)Year of publication: 1971Historical Period: 1800-1971Export options:Guide to local history materials: Doris Lewis Rare Book Room, University of Waterloo Library
Type: BookAbstract: Arranged in three sections: books held in the collection, books (and other sources) relating to Waterloo County available in the Genealogical Society Library of Utah, and archives. References to ...Year of publication: 1981Historical Period: 1830-1940Export options:History of the ancestors and descendants of Daniel H. Weber (1797-1864)
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of a Pennsylvania Mennonite who emigrated to Waterloo County with his brothers Abraham, Benjamin and Henry. An introduction briefly explains the reasons for the emigration from Lancaster ...Keywords: GenealogyFarmersMennonitesSettlers PennsylvaniaWeber familyWeber Daniel H.Weber Anna Martin (m. Daniel H.)Weber BenjaminWeber AbrahamWeber HenryYear of publication: 1971Historical Period: 1797-1971Export options:History of the John C. Shantz descendants
Type: ReportAbstract: A genealogy with some biographical notes on a Pennsylvania Mennonite family who migrated to Waterloo County in 1806. The family farmstead was located where Kitchener's Sunnyside Home now stands.Keywords: GenealogyShantz familyShantz John C.BiographiesSettlersPennsylvaniaFarmersMennonitesBerlin (Ontario)KitchenerYear of publication: 1971Historical Period: 1806-1970Export options:List of oral history tapes in the Kitchener Public Library
Type: ReportAbstract: An index to a growing collection of oral history tapes, begun by the Kitchener Public Library in 1981 and amounting to more than 700 tapes by 1991. The tapes are listed in numerical order, with brief ...Year of publication: 1981Historical Period: 1981-Export options: