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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Ida (Bergey) Millar era
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An account of the family tradition of cheesemaking and retailing was continued by Ida, second youngest child of David and Louisa Bergey. When her husband Fred Millar was unemployed during the ...Keywords: MennonitesFarmers' marketsCheese industryBergey DavidBergey Louisa Bowman (m. David)Millar Ida Bergey (m. Frederick B.)Millar Frederick B.Galt Farmers' MarketGuelph Farmers' MarketKitchener Farmers' MarketYear of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1932-1937Export options:Index to The beginning of things in Wellington and Waterloo Counties with particular reference to Guelph, Galt and Kitchener (1935)
Type: ReportAbstract: An index to A.E. Byerly's history that includes nearly 3,000 entries, most of them personal names.Keywords: IndexesYear of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1816-1870Export options:Jacob Clare Hallman, inventor, manufacturer, musician, businessman
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Profile of Bishop Manasseh Hallman's son who developed a major business in various forms of farm equipment and gadgets from his first efforts in the farm workshop south of Petersburg. From 1949, he ...Keywords: IndustriesMusicMennonitesHallman Jacob C.Hallman Lizzie Ann Erb (m. Manasseh)Hallman Manasseh Rev.PetersburgWaterlooKitchenerYear of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1930-1991Export options:Jean Margaret Steckle, 1993 alumnus of honour
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A profile of Jean Steckle's career in home economics and international development, quoted from her citation by the University of Guelph Alumni Association, with a note about her new role with the J ...Keywords: MennonitesWomenSteckle Jean Margaret (1929-2003)Steckle Susannah Chase (m. John)Steckle JohnUniversity of GuelphJ. Steckle Heritage HomesteadWaterloo CountyWilliamsburgYear of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1958-1993Export options:Joseph Jutzi and Marie Bender family history and genealogy
Type: BookAbstract: An account of the descendants of Joseph and Marie, including stories, photographs and genealogy, as well as details of the family background in Europe.Keywords: GenealogySettlers AmishJutzi JosephJutzi Marie Bender (m. Joseph)Jutzi familyWilmot TownshipYear of publication: 1995Export options:Judah Gershom Joseph: a Footprint on King Street
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Brief biography of Judah Gershom Joseph, also known as Judah George Joseph, a silversmith, optician, and maker of scientific instruments who had the distinction of becoming Toronto's first permanent ...Year of publication: 1995Export options:Kalbfleisch, Herbert Karl. History of Pioneer German Language Press of Ontario, 1835-1918
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: The author reviews the 1968 work by Herbert Karl Kalbfleisch.Year of publication: 1970Export options:Localities of landowners: assessment roll evidence, 1861-1951
Type: ReportAbstract: Indexes and tables of social and land use data for assessed property-owners in ten sample localities of the township at 10-year intervals between 1861 and 1951. Introduced by an essay describing each ...Year of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1861-1951Export options:Mennonite representations of nature in the nineteenth century
Type: ThesisAbstract: A study of Mennonite views of the natural world and human relationships to it, with special reference to Waterloo Township. Key concepts are "nature," "wilderness", and "stewardship" and agricultural ...Year of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1800-1900Export options:Milo Shantz, entrepreneur
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A profile of Milo Shantz, as founder of Hybrid Turkeys Inc., the non-profit foundation Mersynergy, the Mennonite interpretation centre known as The Meeting Place in St Jacobs, The Stone Crock ...Year of publication: 1995Historical Period: 1953-1994Export options: