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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A biographical history of Waterloo Township and other townships of the county: early settlers and their descendants
Type: BookAbstract: A reprint of the first chapter in Eby's book which is indexed in detail in the WRP database. There is a biographical sketch of Eby as one of the earliest local historians. The Pennsylvania Mennonite ...Keywords: MennonitesBiographiesIndigenous peoplesWar 1812Military conscriptionPennsylvania GermansWaterloo TownshipEby Ezra E.Sherk JosephBetzner SamuelYear of publication: 1970Historical Period: 1799-1861Export options:A record of the ancestors and descendants
Type: BookAbstract: A history and genealogy of a Swiss Mennonite family who settled in Waterloo County. Isaac's grandfather, Samuel Moyer, came to the Vineland district of Ontario from Pennsylvania in 1800. The ...Keywords: GenealogySwissMennonitesPennsylvania GermansMoyer familyMoyer IsaacMoyer Esther Weber (m. Isaac)Moyer SamuelMoyer Magdalena Houser (m. Samuel)Moyer Sarah Snider (m. Isaac)Year of publication: 1970Historical Period: 1860-1970Export options:Archaeological investigations of the Ministry of Natural Resources, District Field Office, Cambridge, Ontario
Type: ReportAbstract: Report of a study involving test excavations, surface surveys and discussions with an aged descendant of John Groh, the original pioneer settler of Concession 1, Lot 7, Waterloo Township. Included ...Year of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1804-1955Export options:Family history of Mervin Bechtel and Adelia Brighton, compiled by their daughter, Ruby Bechtel Poth, copied from the original in her collection, 1983
Type: ReportAbstract: A collection of copied documents relating to the Bechtel family, including copies of marriage certificates, obituaries, photographs, genealogical charts and newspaper clippings. It also contains ...Keywords: GenealogyPhotographsFarmersBrighton AaronBrighton Catherine Hymmen (m. Aaron)Snider FamilyWalker GottliebWalker Catherine Hymmen Brighton (m. Gottlieb)Bechtel MervinBechtel Adelia Brighton (m. Mervin)Year of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1803-1983Export options:History of the Jacob B. Schmitt family
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of the descendants of Jacob (1845-1925), his first wife, Magdalena Snyder, and his second wife, Catherine Shantz. An introduction gives background information on the Schmitts who came ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesGermansWilmot TownshipSchmitt George R.Schmitt familySchmitt Salome Becker (m. George R.)Schmitt Jacob B.Schmitt Magdalena Snyder (m. Jacob B.)Schmitt Catherine Shantz (m. Jacob B.)Year of publication: 1970Historical Period: 1832-1970Export options:Kalbfleisch, Herbert Karl. History of Pioneer German Language Press of Ontario, 1835-1918
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: The author reviews the 1968 work by Herbert Karl Kalbfleisch.Year of publication: 1970Export options:Kitchener: an illustrated history
Type: BookAbstract: A study of Berlin/Kitchener in which the themes of economic growth, population and ethnicity, the urban landscape, and social and political life are discussed in six broad eras. These are the early ...Keywords: Berlin (Ontario)Year of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1799-1979Export options:My Old Order Mennonite heritage
Type: BookAbstract: A brief description of the faith, history and lifestyle of the Old Order Mennonites of Waterloo County. The author describes her own experience, from an Old Order Mennonite upbringing to baptism as a ...Keywords: Mennonites (Old Order)Customs and traditionsMusicEducationLeisure activitiesBiographiesWomenWaterloo CountyYear of publication: 1970Historical Period: 1970Export options:Ontario local history
Type: ReportAbstract: Local history and feature stories dealing with 830 Ontario municipalities and clipped from newspapers mainly of the 1950s and 1960s. Waterloo County communities represented in the collection are Ayr ...Keywords: Buildings StoneBusinessesEconomic conditionsFactoriesFinancial institutionsIndustriesOwnership ForeignOwnership LocalNewspapersYear of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1950-1970Export options:Poth family history: descendants of Andrew Poth and Magdalena Lautenschlager
Type: BookAbstract: A scrapbook of photographs, articles, documents and genealogical charts relating to the New Dundee family.Keywords: FarmersGenealogyPoth familyLautenschlager familyLautenschlager PhilippPoth AndrewPoth EarlmontPoth FrederickPoth Emma Diebel (m. Frederick)Diebel PeterYear of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1822-1983Export options: