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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
More about Dr Samuel Bean
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A short biography of the man who was first a teacher, then a physician, then a minister. Also detailed are names and birth and death dates of his five children.Keywords: TeachersPhysiciansClergyBiographiesChildrenWilmot TownshipWellesley TownshipBean Samuel DrYear of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1842-1977Export options:My Old Order Mennonite heritage
Type: BookAbstract: A brief description of the faith, history and lifestyle of the Old Order Mennonites of Waterloo County. The author describes her own experience, from an Old Order Mennonite upbringing to baptism as a ...Keywords: Mennonites (Old Order)Customs and traditionsMusicEducationLeisure activitiesBiographiesWomenWaterloo CountyYear of publication: 1970Historical Period: 1970Export options:Nazi movement and German-Canadians, 1933-1939
Type: ThesisKeywords: National socialismYear of publication: 1970Export options:'On the Very Boundary of Civilization': Adolf Halleen's Drei Monate in Canada
Type: Journal ArticleKeywords: GermansHalleen AdolfDrei Monate in Canada (1870)ProseLiterary criticismDescription and travelYear of publication: 1983Export options:Ontario Fraktur
Type: Journal ArticleYear of publication: 1983Export options:Ontario local history
Type: ReportAbstract: Local history and feature stories dealing with 830 Ontario municipalities and clipped from newspapers mainly of the 1950s and 1960s. Waterloo County communities represented in the collection are Ayr ...Keywords: Buildings StoneBusinessesEconomic conditionsFactoriesFinancial institutionsIndustriesOwnership ForeignOwnership LocalNewspapersYear of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1950-1970Export options:Over prairie trails
Type: BookYear of publication: 1970Export options:Poth family history: descendants of Andrew Poth and Magdalena Lautenschlager
Type: BookAbstract: A scrapbook of photographs, articles, documents and genealogical charts relating to the New Dundee family.Keywords: FarmersGenealogyPoth familyLautenschlager familyLautenschlager PhilippPoth AndrewPoth EarlmontPoth FrederickPoth Emma Diebel (m. Frederick)Diebel PeterYear of publication: 1983Historical Period: 1822-1983Export options:Reminiscences and records of the family
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogical record of the couple's ancestors and descendants. Enoch and Hannah bought a farm on the boundary between Wellington and Waterloo Counties and were members of the Floradale Mennonite ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesAgriculturePennsylvania GermansSwissSt JacobsFloradaleElmiraWoolwich TownshipBurkhart familyYear of publication: 1970Historical Period: 1820-1970Export options:Reminiscences and records of the family of Enoch and Hannah (Eby) Burkhart, long-time residents of Peel Township, Wellington County, Rural Route #1, Drayton, Ontario, Canada
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogical record of the couple's ancestors and descendants. Enoch and Hannah bought a farm on the boundary between Wellington and Waterloo Counties and were members of the Floradale Mennonite ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesReunionsFarmersSettlers PennsylvaniaBurkhart familySt JacobsFloradaleElmiraWoolwich TownshipYear of publication: 1970Historical Period: 1820-1970Export options: