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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
Family record of Anson Beeshy Brubacher, 1863-1926
Type: ReportAbstract: A history of the Brubacher family, with particular attention to the families of Anson B. Brubacher and Magdalena Bowman.Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesBiographiesBrubacher Anson B.Brubacher Magdalena Bowman (m. Anson B.)Brubacher familySwissWaterloo TownshipWoolwich TownshipYear of publication: 1967Historical Period: 1863-1967Export options:Family records of the descendants of pioneer Joseph Bauman, also some records of David and Henry Bauman
Type: BookAbstract: A revised edition of Angus S. Bauman's {Family records} (1940). The genealogical charts and the name index are updated to 1967, but the family history at the front of the book, the essay "Glimpses of ...Keywords: MennonitesGenealogyBauman JosephBauman HenryBauman DavidBauman familyTransportationRoadsSettlers PennsylvaniaWaterloo CountyYear of publication: 1967Historical Period: 1800-1967Export options:Flames, tempers, accusations: the 1896 Hibner Furniture Factory Fire
Type: Journal ArticleKeywords: Hibner familyFiresYear of publication: 2015Historical Period: 1896Export options:From Toleration to Expulsion: The Families of Ecsény Somogy County, Hungary 1784-1948
Type: BookAbstract: This "book of families" traces the origins and subsequent settlement in Ecseny, Hungary of German-speaking Lutherans. Names and details of individuals and their descendants comprise most of the 2 ...Keywords: Danube SwabiansGenealogyHungarian GermansEcseny Somogy County HungaryHessiansNorfolk CountyKitchenerhessYear of publication: 2015Historical Period: 1784-1948Export options:Go well : a global pilgrimage / Ronald J. R. Mathies
Type: BookYear of publication: 2015Export options:History of Daniel E. Cressman family
Type: BookAbstract: A brief account of the ancestors and descendants of a Mennonite farmer, Daniel, (1847-1925) and his wife, Hannah Shantz (1848-1940), who settled in Oxford County. Some of the family later moved to ...Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesCressman familyCressman Daniel E.Cressman Hannah Shantz (m. Daniel E.)Schmitt EmanuelSchmitt Elmina Cressman (m. Emanuel)Axt familyWilmot TownshipKitchenerYear of publication: 1967Historical Period: 1847-1967Export options:History of the descendants of Daniel M. Weber, 1836-1888
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy including biographical notes on many family members.Keywords: GenealogySettlersPennsylvaniaWeber familyMennonitesBiographiesWeber Daniel M.Lancaster County Pennsylvania19th century20th centuryYear of publication: 1967Historical Period: 1800-1967Export options:How did New Germany become Maryhill?
Type: Journal ArticleKeywords: MaryhillPlace namesYear of publication: 2015Export options:In search of promised lands: a religious history of Mennonites in Ontario
Type: BookAbstract:The wide-ranging story of Mennonite migration, theological diversity, and interaction with other Christian streams is distilled in this engaging volume, which tracks the history of Ontario ...
Year of publication: 2015Export options:John Bruegeman remembered
Type: Journal ArticleKeywords:Year of publication: 2015Export options: