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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
City-building processes in Berlin/Kitchener and Waterloo, 1870-1930
Type: ThesisAbstract: A study in urban history, organized thematically to include chapters on urban- industrial development in southern Ontario between 1870 and 1930, the urban ethos, a prosopographical analysis of ...Keywords: Berlin (Ontario)Year of publication: 1981Historical Period: 1830-1930Export options:Contribution of the Mennonites to the development of Waterloo County
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An essay in the special centennial issue about the role of Mennonites in settling Waterloo County and their subsequent contributions as farmers, entrepreneurs, educators, lawyers, clergy and ...Keywords: MennonitesAgricultureOccupationsWomenIndustriesSettlersPennsylvania GermansAmishWaterloo CountyBeasley's TractYear of publication: 1967Historical Period: 1800-1967Export options:Descendants of pioneer HH214 Henry Hershey Weber (1793-1862) and Salome (Baer) Bauman (1791-1868): ordained 1824 as first minister for Martin's Mennonite Church....
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy that uses a numbering system to identify each generation and the order of children's births. The entries are interspersed with short anecdotes and illustrated with photographs and ...Keywords: Weber familyBauman familyGenealogyMennonitesBiographiesMartin's Mennonite MeetinghouseWaterloo Township19th century20th centuryYear of publication: 1981Historical Period: 1800-1981Export options:Die deutschkanadische Literatur: Umfang und Problemstellungen
Type: Book ChapterYear of publication: 1981Export options:Died in 1967
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: A list of notable people who died in 1967, including Norman H. Bennett, Armin M. Bitzer, Miss Henrietta Bowman, Bishop Clayton F. Derstine, George C. Doerr, Mrs Ephraim B. Erb, Mrs Vorwerk Ernst, Mrs ...Keywords: BiographiesObituariesWomenOccupationsMennonitesSportsAssociations and clubsWorld War IPoliticiansAgricultureYear of publication: 1967Historical Period: 1870-1967Export options:Family history of Gottfried Reinhart
Type: ReportAbstract: A genealogy of the descendants of Gottfried Reinhart and Anna Marie Bruder who owned a farm near Berlin, south of the Grand Trunk Railway. A description of their farmhouse and a history of the farm ...Keywords: Settlers GermanFarmersGenealogyReinhart familyReinhart MartinReinhart Theresa Wolpert (m. Martin)Reinhart Henry B.Reinhart GottfriedReinhart Anna Marie Bruder (m. Gottfried)Galt ThomasYear of publication: 1981Historical Period: 1824-1981Export options:Family record of Anson Beeshy Brubacher, 1863-1926
Type: ReportAbstract: A history of the Brubacher family, with particular attention to the families of Anson B. Brubacher and Magdalena Bowman.Keywords: GenealogyMennonitesBiographiesBrubacher Anson B.Brubacher Magdalena Bowman (m. Anson B.)Brubacher familySwissWaterloo TownshipWoolwich TownshipYear of publication: 1967Historical Period: 1863-1967Export options:Family records of the descendants of pioneer Joseph Bauman, also some records of David and Henry Bauman
Type: BookAbstract: A revised edition of Angus S. Bauman's {Family records} (1940). The genealogical charts and the name index are updated to 1967, but the family history at the front of the book, the essay "Glimpses of ...Keywords: MennonitesGenealogyBauman JosephBauman HenryBauman DavidBauman familyTransportationRoadsSettlers PennsylvaniaWaterloo CountyYear of publication: 1967Historical Period: 1800-1967Export options:Ferrie, Colin Campbell
Type: Book ChapterAbstract: A profile of the merchant, banker and politician (1808-1856) who established a branch of his father's mercantile interests in Hamilton in 1830. Outlying branches of the business were established in ...Keywords: BiographiesMerchantsPoliticiansFerrie ColinPrestonDoonGaltWaterloo TownshipHamilton19th centuryYear of publication: 1981Historical Period: 1832-1865Export options:German immigration into Canada: a survey
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An overview of German settlement including the waves of migration to the Waterloo area. It is noted that this article is a translation of the original German work by Werner A. Bausenhart.Year of publication: 1981Historical Period: 1799-c1835Export options: