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German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography
A genealogical record of the descendants of Joseph Laschinger, Abraham Nash and Gwer Merner
Type: ReportAbstract: A family history of the author's forebears, the Laschingers of New Hamburg, who intermarried with the Nash and Merner families. Reminiscences of the author's childhood in New Hamburg and memories of ...Keywords: BiographiesGenealogyCarriages and wagons industryChildrenFarmersPoliticiansPost officesChurches EvangelicalWar 1861-1865 American CivilMerner FamilyYear of publication: 1966Historical Period: 1819-1966Export options:A history of the ancestors and descendants of Peter P. Martin, also a short sketch of the Daniel M. Brubacher family
Type: BookAbstract: A record of the two Waterloo County families from 1650 to 1966. Biographical information about some family members is included, and there is an alphabetical index of names.Keywords: GenealogySettlers PennsylvaniaBiographiesMartin familyMartin Peter P.Brubacher Daniel M.Waterloo CountyPennsylvania Berks CountyPennsylvania Lancaster CountyYear of publication: 1966Historical Period: 1800-1966Export options:Cholera: it swept this area like a scythe
Type: BookAbstract: A copy of an article from the "Kitchener- Waterloo Record" of 21 November 1963 by Laurie Jennings, with additional information on members of the Hembling family who were Bridgeport cholera victims, ...Keywords: Diseases CholeraFarmersSanitationGenealogyTelfer JohnMiller Robert DrCushman JosiahScott John DrGaukel Marie Roschang (m. Frederick)Gaukel HarryYear of publication: 1966Historical Period: 1813-1895Export options:Christian Litwiller genealogy 1848-1966
Type: BookAbstract: A genealogy of the descendants of Christian (1848-1924), youngest son of Peter and Elizabeth Lichti of Wilmot Township. Christian was ordained a minister of the Wilmot Amish Mennonite Church in 1877 ...Keywords: GenealogyClergyFarmersBiographiesChurches MennoniteAmishLitwiller familyLitwiller PeterLitwiller Elizabeth Lichti (m. Peter)Litwiller ChristianYear of publication: 1966Historical Period: 1829-1966Export options:Died in 1966
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: Brief notes on 32 Waterloo County residents, 15 of whom were over 95 years old: Martin Andesian, Jack Bechtel, William D. Brill, H. Milton Cook, Dr John D. Detweiler, Odo Eby, F.C. Forwell, W.L. ...Year of publication: 1966Historical Period: c1864-1966Export options:Genealogy of the Frey family: 1772 to 1965
Type: BookAbstract: A photocopy of a genealogical chart of the descendants of Martin Frey and his wife Christine Binkele, some of whom settled in Waterloo County. Names, birth and death dates are given, but there are no ...Year of publication: 1966Historical Period: 1772-1965Export options:German Peace Festival 1871
Type: Journal ArticleAbstract: An address written at the time of the Friedensfest of 1871 in Berlin by W. Jaffray, G. Davidson and J. King on behalf of the English residents of Berlin. The address was sent to the members of the ...Year of publication: 1966Historical Period: 1871Export options:History and genealogy of Joseph and Anna (Kauffman) Roth 1851-1966
Type: BookAbstract: A history of an Amish Mennonite family of French origin who settled mainly in Oxford and Perth Counties. Three families are shown on a map as owning land in Wilmot Township: Edwin and Elizabeth ...Keywords: GenealogySettlers FrenchMennonitesAmishFarmersOxford CountyPerth CountyRoth familyRoth JosephRoth Anna Kauffman (m. Joseph)Year of publication: 1966Historical Period: 1896-1966Export options:History of the Thaler family: tracing the descendants of George Adam Thaler, born September 11, 1785, died December 11, 1865, second edition
Type: BookAbstract: A revised and expanded edition of the Thaler genealogy published in 1960. The family emigrated from Germany about 1820 and farmed near Breslau. Biographical notes and reunion reports are included ...Keywords: GenealogyBiographiesSettlersGermansThaler familyThaler George Adam 1785-1865Breslau (Ontario)Waterloo Township19th century20th centuryYear of publication: 1966Historical Period: 1820-1966Export options:Name and address supplement to the History of the Thaler family
Type: BookAbstract: A list grouped according to the families of Christina, Joseph, David and Adam Thaler, complementing the author's work on the family history.Keywords: GenealogyDirectoriesSettlersGermansThaler familyThaler George Adam 1785-1865Breslau (Ontario)Waterloo TownshipKitchenerPrestonYear of publication: 1966Historical Period: 1965-1966Export options: